6 useful natural remedies to help overcome gastric pains

It is generally a common stomach. If this is the case, usually you will also feel the sensation of heat in the liver until the stomach ache. Sure you don't want this condition to ruin your whole day plan, right? Well, in addition to medicine from a doctor, you can also rely on natural ulcer drugs that are powerful enough to help reduce pain. What are the options of herbal medicine to overcome the rise of gastric acid that can be tried? 

Wide selection of natural ulcer drugs
Ulcer mentions are already very prevalent, but do you know that this condition is not a disease?
Maag is actually not present in the medical dictionary and is more referring to the collection of various symptoms of indigestion. For example, pain in the liver, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and so forth.
When the ulcer feels relapse, the first step should be done to overcome it by taking medical medicines from the doctor, as well as sold freely.
But in addition to these medicines, there are some natural ingredients that can help lower the amount of gastric acid soaring. Here are some options of natural remedies to relieve heartburn that you can try at home: 

1. Chamomile teaPerhaps you are more familiar with Chamomila as a flower name. Not wrong indeed, because chamomile is a small sized flower of the Asteraceae family with its distinctive yellow and white color.
Interestingly, besides being able to make room decoration because of its beautiful color, chamomile can also be processed into tea. Yes, dried chamomile flowers can later be utilized as one of the natural remedies to treat ulcer.
This is because a cup of chamomile tea can help the body quickly sleep, while also having a soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The herbal medicine of gastric acid can also reduce the amount of gastric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, thus relieving help alleviate the complaint stomach.
So, before bedtime, try drinking a cup of chamomile tea to help soothe inflammation on the stomach. That way, sleep can be much more restful.
Making this tea is also quite easy. You just have to set up hot water, then put one or two chamomile tea bags for about 10 minutes. Next, pour the chamomile tea into the cup and give it extra honey or a little sugar to taste.
Drink chamomile tea for as a natural remedy to relieve these gastritis and indigestion as needed. If you are routinely taking blood thinning medication, you should consult a doctor first before drinking this tea.
Because, chamomile contains anticoagulant ingredients. When taken together with blood thinning drugs, it is feared can risk causing bleeding. 

2. Ginger
Ginger can be one of the natural remedies to overcome the ulcer thanks to its ability to reduce the production of stomach acid. In detail, Ginger has a gastroprotective effect that can reduce the amount of acid and growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
Helicobacter pylori is a type of abdominal bacteria that usually live in acidic conditions. The presence of such bacteria in the digestive system is arguably harmful because it is risky to further strengthen your condition.
For the sake of restoring the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, you can cultivate ginger into tea as herbal medicine stomach acid. The manufacturing process is also not difficult, namely by boiling one or two pieces of ginger with water to taste.
Once cooked and smelled a typical ginger smell, give extra honey, sugar, or lemon juice to taste as a seasoning. Drink a cup of ginger tea about 20 minutes or more before meals to help soothe the ulcer, as well as lowering gastric acid.
Other choices of processed ginger that can be consumed as herbal medicine stomach acid is by sucking candy jahet. However, it is good to still limit the consumption of ginger as needed only, and not more than 3-4 grams per day.
It is not without reason. Consuming too much ginger can result in the onset of gas, burning sensation in the chest and throat, to the chest pain (heartburn). 

3. Aloe vera 
A study published by the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, found the efficacy of aloe vera on gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). According to the study, people who drink 10 milliliters of aloe vera juice daily for 4 weeks, feel the GERD symptoms are getting better. 
Examples rarely have nausea, vomiting, flatulence, as well as a rise in gastric acid that is causing hearburn. In fact, although occasionally it still persists, but the perceived symptoms are much lighter than before.
Light alone, this is because Aloe vera plant is known as a natural remedy for ulcer, as well as treatment of digestive disorders. Aloe Vera can help reduce inflammation, which can relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, such as acid stomach rise.
Broadly, here are the good benefits that are believed to be in Aloe vera as well as natural ulcer:
• Reduce the amount of excess gastric acid production.
• Encourage bowel movements and disposal of toxins.
• Helps to launch the digestive system.
• Maintain a balance of the number of bacteria in the digestive system.
• Reduce inflammation due to gastric acid increase.
If you want to get the optimal efficacy, you are recommended to drink about half a cup of aloe vera juice before eating. 

4. Licorice 
Licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, which is widely known as sweet root or liquorice. There are many benefits contained in this licorize plant, one of which proved to be effective as a natural ulcer medication.
The reason is that licorice can thicken the mucous layer of the oesophagus (esophagus). Thus, it can help the esophagus to withstand the irritating effect of gastric acid increase that often experienced ulcer sufferers.
In addition, licorice roots also contain special substances that can help relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and peptic ulcers. Both of these things that are not uncommon can also be a trigger to the emergence of ulcer.
To get a quick improvement complaint, you can try drinking tea from licorice root for several times a day. However, keep in mind the amount of consumption so that not too much.
The reason, though it can be said to be quite effective as a natural remedy to relieve stomach ulcers, but licorice root has no side effects. This plant can cause sodium and potassium levels in the body not balanced, and cause high blood pressure.
Such risks may arise when licorice roots are consumed in many quantities or dosages. That is why, the safe limit to consume licorice root should not be more than 2.5 grams per day.
We recommend the consumption of the licorice root with the water about 30 minutes before meals, or 60 minutes after meals. 

5. Honey
Resolve the ulcer complaints. It is evidenced by the research published on the Indian Journal of Medicinal Research.
The 2013 study found that honey has a variety of benefits to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux that often occurs when ulcer. Here are the benefits of honey as an herbal remedy to relieve stomach acid:
• Free radicals are suspected to be one of the reasons for damage to cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, honey can act as an antioxidant to combat these free radicals.
• Honey can help reduce inflammation in the oesophagus or esophagus.
• Honey has a liquid and soft texture, so that it can coat the walls of the esophagus that are injured because of inflammation.
• Honey is a natural ingredient that can be combined with various other herbal medicines.
In order to get the benefits, you can drink honey directly as much as 1 teaspoon. Another option, it is legitimate to mix honey with a glass of warm water or tea.
In spite of these benefits, it is important to understand. It still takes more scientific research to further strengthen the effectiveness of honey use as a natural treatment for stomach ulcers and acids.
However, do not forget to note the possible side effects arising from consumption of honey. Because the sugar content is quite high, honey is usually not recommended to be consumed if you have diabetes.
This is because the sugar intake that is in the honey, can make blood sugar levels in the body soaring up. 

6. Baking Soda 
Baking soda or soda cake is often relied upon as a natural remedy for ulcer thanks to its good benefits for crying indigestion. The key is thanks to the content of sodium bicarbonate in baking soda.
Normally, the pancreas produces sodium bicarbonate to protect the intestines, while being able to neutralize the gastric acid increase rapidly. Thus, ulcers that are usually characterized by increased gastric acid can be overcome.
Well, because it has a similar content, baking soda is believed to be imitating the way the natural sodium bicarbonate works on the body. Similar to some herbal medicines previous stomach acid, how to use baking soda is the same.
You only need to mix the soda powder of this cake with water until it is dissolved, then drink. However, do not consume origin. You should note how much safe baking soda amount is consumed according to the rules, such as:
• Avoid consuming 31/2 teaspoons of baking soda in a day.
• If you are over 60 years old, avoid consuming 1 1/2 teaspoons of soda in a day.
• Avoid consuming persistent baking soda for two consecutive weeks.
• Avoid consuming baking soda when you are in full condition, because it can harm the stomach.
• Avoid drinking a baking soda solution too quickly, as it can increase the amount of gas and risk experiencing diarrhea.
• Avoid consuming cookie soda if you have GERD.
Although it can help relieve stomach ulcer and other digestive symptoms, but baking soda is not recommended for those of you who have GERD. Herbal medicine to relieve stomach acid this one is more destined for other ulcer related problems, except GERD.

Can you drink peppermint tea to overcome the ulcer?
Peppermint is usually consumed as a candy freshener. Interestingly, Peppermint has an antipasmodik effect which can be a natural remedy to dampen stomach problems, such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and ulcer.
On that basis, drinking a cup of peppermint tea after meals can help soothe the troubled stomach. However, it's important to remember before you sip a cup of peppermint tea.
Although peppermint is said to relieve indigestion, it is not recommended to consume peppermint if the problem is caused by acid reflux. This is because peppermint can loosen the sfringter or valve at the bottom of the esophagus.
As a result, gastric acid can easily rise to the esophagus, which then further creates chest pains (heartburn). In short, peppermint consumption is not much different as ingestion of baking soda as an herbal remedy to restore gastric acid.
Peppermint is also not recommended for those of you who have increased gastric acid due to GERD disease. 

Can you drink an apple vinegar solution to overcome the ulcer?
 Efficacy of apple vinegar as a natural remedy to overcome ulcer, gastric acid increase, or other digestive disorders are often a question. Unfortunately, until now there has been no research that actually supports the benefits of apple vinegar to cope with the stomach and various digestive problems.
Not only that, so far studies have not been able to explain further about the safety of apple vinegar for long-term consumption. Even in many cases, consumption of apple vinegar can further exacerbate chest pains due to the increase in gastric acid (heartburn).
Therefore, if you experience a sensation of heat in the heart and chest, you should avoid consumption of apple vinegar. For those of you who have GERD disease, heartburn, or acid reflux in a mild, moderate, or severe level.
Instead of curing the complaint, Apple vinegar is at risk of worsening the burning and irritation of the esophagus. 

Notice the risk of adverse reactions behind natural ulcer
Nausea, vomiting, sensation of heat in the chest, pain in the liver, flatulence, and so on, is a frequent ulcer complaint. However, while the complaints are being hit, still consider the types of medical and herbal medicines to be consumed.
Because, various herbal medicines aimed at overcoming stomach ulcers and increases in gastric acid certainly have side effects behind it. For example honey, which affects the increase in blood sugar levels, especially if you suffer from diabetes and are routinely taking medication.
In addition baking soda, whose amount of consumption should not exceed the rule limit because it is risky to increase the production of gastric acid. As a result, instead of recovering, the complaints you experience are getting worse.
Similarly, other stomach acid herbal remedies, which do not escape a variety of side effects. For those of you who have allergies with one or more natural ingredients, especially those mentioned above, we recommend avoiding the use. 

Keep in advance with the doctor
It should be noted that herbal medicines have not been proven to be safe and effective completely for consumption. What's more, given the various herbal remedies to cope with this stomach acid increase is risky to have side effects afterwards.
Therefore keep your complaint to the doctor to get the right treatment. If you want a safer way, there are actually various lifestyle changes that can be done to overcome the ulcer.
Try it out by starting a healthy lifestyle. From avoiding foods that trigger stomach acid increases, avoid stress, exercise regularly, and indirectly lie down or sleep after a meal. 

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