Healthy Lifestyle can treat gout

Signs and symptoms of gout can be recognized by the presence of severe pain in the joints of bone, rheumatic pain, and tingling that lasts long enough. Well, if you feel some of these symptoms immediately find a way to treat gout so that it is not too severe or acute. The easiest way can be to start implementing a healthy lifestyle. Read below see how to treat gout by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
How to Treat Gout Naturally with a Healthy Lifestyle

The lifestyle tips below play an important role in dealing with gout, can also help prevent gout complications such as kidney disease and heart disease:

1. Drink lots of water

Those who suffer from gout usually experience significant swelling and inflammation. One way to treat gout is to drink plenty of water to reduce swelling. Why do you have to drink enough water?

Drinking plenty of fluids can help the kidneys release excess fluid, which can reduce swelling due to gout.

The best liquid is water, and other clear liquids which are also good choices, including herbal teas and broth. While liquids that you should avoid like soda and alcohol because they contain lots of purines, which triggers an increase in uric acid levels.

It is important to remember that those who have congestive heart failure or kidney disease should consult a doctor before adding fluid intake.

2. Avoid stress

Control and stop your stress, because stress can trigger gout attacks and can worsen symptoms. Although it doesn't completely relieve your stress, there are a number of ways to treat gout to help reduce it with the following tips:
  •     Short walks, if possible
  •     Keep a journal or read a favorite book
  •     Applying for work leave
  •     Adequate rest can help reduce stress
  •     Listening to music
  •     Meditating
3. Exercise regularly

Being physically active like sports is one part of a healthy lifestyle, and this method can help prevent gout in the future. Aside from being a treatment for gout, exercise as well as a way to lose weight due to being overweight or obese is a risk factor for gout. Diligent exercise can also help you control stress effectively.

If you are experiencing gout, you are not advised to exercise until the pain and inflammation decrease.

If you have just started exercising or have not been exercising for a long time, consult with your doctor about being physically active.

4. Get enough rest

As mentioned earlier, rest is one way to treat gout. Get enough sleep for about 8 hours every night because it can help deal with stress and feel better overall.

Enough rest will greatly help relieve gout. Gout attacks can be very painful, and may be difficult to move when experiencing it. Resting the affected joint during gout can help manage the symptoms.

5. Expand to eat fish

Several studies have found that the treatment of gout by eating some fish really helps reduce uric acid levels, because fish have anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory compounds that help improve overall health.

While a 2016 study found that consuming tuna extract can help reduce serum uric acid levels. More research is still needed to confirm the results of this study.

However, some nutrition websites mention that tuna is a high purine food, so that in some people eating tuna may worsen the symptoms. In addition, the Arthritis Foundation writes a number of other fish that contain a lot, such as anchovies, sardines, and cod.

If you suffer from gout want to increase fish intake, you should consult with your doctor first to get the best advice for you.

6. Drink lemon water

Research in 2015 has found that how to treat gout naturally by drinking lemon water every day to reduce gout.

You can make it at home with two lemons and two liters of water. Squeeze these two lemons and mix with water. Remember, no sweeteners or sugar are added, Healthy Friend!

The researchers concluded that drinking lemon water can help neutralize uric acid in your body, thereby helping to reduce uric acid levels.

7. Intake of herbal supplements

You can try herbal supplements and certain dietary restrictions. There are several herbal supplements and certain foods can help prevent gout.

One of them is turmeric, which can be used for other inflammatory conditions besides gout - can help reduce inflammation. In addition, pineapple which contains bromelain is thought to help prevent gout.

However, further research needs to be done on the effectiveness of both natural supplements for gout. But if you are interested in trying this herbal supplement, consult your doctor before taking it, whether to react with other drugs that you are currently using.

Other herbal medicines that can reduce gout include:
  •     Celery or celery seeds
  •     Nettle Tea
  •     Dandelion
  •     Hibiscus
  •     Epsom Salt
  •     Ginger
  •     Banana
  •     Apple
8. Consumption of vitamin C supplements

Treatment of gout by taking vitamin C supplements can also reduce the risk of gout. Quantitative research or meta-analysis in 2011 of 13 randomized controlled trials, has found that vitamin C significantly reduces blood uric acid levels.

Reducing blood uric acid levels can reduce the risk of gout attacks. However, this research has not fully proven conclusively that vitamin C can treat or prevent gout, only that vitamin C decreases uric acid levels.

9. Maintain a healthy weight

How to treat gout naturally next by maintaining a healthy weight, because this method can reduce the risk of gout and heart disease.

Given obesity will increase the risk of gout, especially in people who are younger.

Being overweight also increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, which increases blood pressure and cholesterol, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease.

Rapid weight loss, especially when it occurs due to fasting, can increase uric acid levels. Therefore, you must focus on making long-term lifestyle changes to manage your weight to stay healthy, such as becoming more active by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and choosing nutrient-dense foods.

Gout is a very painful condition, but making healthy lifestyle changes can help prevent gout attacks. You do not have to change your lifestyle at once, do it gradually, take time, and which treatment is right for you, and see the changes.


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