5 ways to treat Diabetes naturally and easily, can be done by yourself

Of course we are unfamiliar with the word Diabetes. One of the names of diseases that you may hear often, usually the disease is suffered by elderly but not infrequently also young people become victims.

Indonesia itself is facing the threat of diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Atlas 2017 reports, the Diabetes epidemic in Indonesia tends to increase. Indonesia was ranked sixth by the number of diabetics aged 20-79 about 10.3 million people.

If you are one of the people diagnosed with this disease, do not despair. At first you may feel depressed because diabetes is one of the diseases that can not be healed. You also feel worried about the variety of treatments you will be going through. You also become a loss of excitement to go through your days.

Having diabetes is not the end of everything, you'll still be able to do activities as usual. The living key of diabetes is by controlling the amount of blood sugar.

Well, how? Here are summarized from various sources, how to treat diabetes naturally to control glucose in the blood.

Types of Diabetes
The success of treating diabetes naturally depends on diabetics. If, diabetics have adequate knowledge, then can change his attitude in conducting treatment eg a diet low in sugar can bring the blood sugar level closer to normal limits and prevent complications so that it can live more Healthy and quality.

Before knowing how to treat diabetes naturally, it is better to know the types of diabetes disease. Here are the types of diabetes you need to know

Diabetes mellitus is generally classified into 4 categories with different causes:

• Diabetes mellitus Type 1 is referred to as  "Diabetes mellitus that depends on insulin ". Associated with genetic factors and the immune system, resulting in damage to the cells that produce insulin, so that the cell is unable to produce insulin that is needed by the body.

The most common group of people with this disease are children and adolescents, representing 3% of the total number of patients.

• Type 2 diabetes mellitus is called  "Diabetes mellitus that does not depend on insulin ", representing more than 90% cases of diabetes mellitus. Associated with unhealthy dietary factors, obesity, and lack of exercise.

The cells of the body become resistant to insulin and can not absorb and use dextrose and the excess of blood sugar produced effectively. This type of diabetes mellitus has a higher genetic predisposition than type 1.

• Gestational Diabetes mellitus: mainly caused by hormone changes produced during pregnancy and usually reduced or disappeared after childbirth.

Studies in recent years have shown that women who have experienced gestational diabetes mellitus have a higher level of risk for diabetes mellitus type II disease, so that women should pay more attention to Healthy diet to reduce these risks.

Other types of Diabetes mellitus: There are several other causes that differ from the three types of diabetes mellitus above, including inadequate secretion of insulin caused by certain genetic diseases.

Diabetes can also be caused indirectly by other diseases (e.g. pancreatitis, i.e. inflammation of the pancreas), caused by drugs or other chemicals

How to treat diabetes naturally

Here's how to treat diabetes naturally to embark on a journey you beat Diabetes. In addition to doing the following steps, you should also consult a doctor before stopping or replacing the drug to take a new treatment strategy.

1. Do a ketogenic Diet

How to treat diabetes naturally with a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a diet that is high in fat, high in protein, and low in carbohydrates. So that the body will burn fat and use the result, namely the body ketone, as a source of energy.

The process of switching energy sources from glucose to ketone body, on average occurs within 2 – 4 days after consuming a low-carbohydrate diet. On this type of diet, carbohydrate intake is limited to only 30 grams per day.

2. Strengthen nutrient substances

How to treat diabetes naturally in addition to maintaining blood sugar levels, diabetics need to pay attention to the type of food consumed, so that essential nutritional needs are fulfilled every day. This needs to be done because diabetics are more susceptible to lack of important nutritional substances than healthy people.

Here are the nutrients to be fulfilled

Vitamin E vegetable, nuts, red peppers, avocado, mango and kiwi.

Vitamin D3 can be obtained from foods such as milk, shrimp, fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon), beef liver, cheese and eggs.

Vitamin C such as oranges, guava, strawberries, broccoli, potatoes, spinach and tomatoes can be a good source of vitamin C.

Vitamin B12 from red meat, chicken, fish, beef liver, eggs, and dairy products.

Vitamin B7 is a whole cereal, tubers, nuts, eggs, milk, yogurt, and chicken meat

Treating Diabetes
3. Fasting Diet/Intermittent fasting

How to treat diabetes naturally next is by fasting diet or intermittent fasting. Fasting Diet There are several methods that can be done, one of which is dividing 16 hours of fasting time and 8 hours of food consumption time.

For example, you are allowed to eat from 1 Noon to 9 pm, then proceed to fasting until the next 16 hours.

4. Reduce Stress

Find ways to reduce stressful activities and enjoy tranquility.
Some tips you can do to reduce strees are as follows:

-Schedule regular holidays and take advantage of time off to do the fun thing.
-Find the root of the problem you are facing. Then, immediately find the exit.
-Prioritize time with your family or loved ones.

5. Quality Sleep

The other natural way of treating diabetes is with high quality sleep. High quality sleep is a sleep of 8-9 hours every night. With quality sleep able to reduce cell inflammation and improve blood sugar signaling.

To improve the quality of sleep you can change your sleeping lights with warm colors such as orange, red. And most importantly keep the electronic appliance out of your bed

Well above is a way of treating diabetes naturally you can do. Hopefully useful!

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