Frequency of Eating Spicy Really Quick Create senile?

Spicy food lovers need to think twice when inserting pieces of chillies into her plate. The reason, research in China that involves the University of South Australia have a habit of eating spicy foods within a group of people can cause memory loss and cognitive function of the brain.
How spicy foods can affect the way the human brain works?

Effects eating spicy foods

Identical spicy food a source of health problems such as inflammation of the stomach for some people. However, various research results so far show that eating spicy foods have health benefits are plentiful.
Spicy foods, such as chili, containing the active chemical compound called capsaicin. The content of capsaicin on the nerves of the tongue and then cause pain and a sensation of heat. Although it creates pain, but capsaicin is proved to have an important role on the health of the body. 
A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition revealed that the sensation of heat from capsaicin improves performance up to five percent of the body's metabolism. Increasing your metabolism work will affect the process of burning fat to 16 percent.
In addition, other research from the American Association for Cancer Research, shows the effect of capsaicin compound in slowing some types of cancer, such as prostate cancer. Capsaicin also called beneficial in helping the treatment of breast cancer, pancreatic, and bladder.
In contrast to studies that show capsaicin positive impact on health, a study published by the Nutrients it just shows that regularly eating spicy foods increase the risk of dementia.

How to eat spicy affect memory?

Studies conducted a long-term study lasted from 1997 to 2006. The study included 4,582 Chinese people aged over 55 years.
During the study, participants eating spicy foods, ie more than 50 grams of chilli each day within 3 days. The chili is consumed raw chilies and cook.
Experiments conducted is to test their memory skills of the participants using a benchmark of global cognitive score.
The results showed the group taking the chili more than 50 grams per day had the opportunity two times more likely to experience memory loss than those who eat chili in a lesser amount.
Researchers estimate it could be caused by the body mass index (BMI), which affects sensitivity to capsaicin. The participants who ate the most chili tend to have a body mass index that is relatively ideal. Their bodies have more sensitivity towards capcaisin than the group of participants who are obese.
BMI is normal or ideal to make the body more sensitive to the effect of the compounds capcaisin chili peppers. The more sensitive the body terhadapreaksi of capcaisin, the higher the risk of developing cognitive impairment.
However, researchers also noted. Research carried still further need to consider other factors relating to the social, economic and education level of the participants.
The habit of eating spicy foods Chinese society is still influenced by three factors.
Because of these findings is the first, still needs further research that could explain the effect of spicy foods to how the human brain processes memories.


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