4 eating habits to prevent colon cancer

Cancer is one of the biggest causes of death in the world. Many types of cancer can attack your body, one of which is colon cancer. The diet becomes one of the risk factors causing cancer that attacks this colon. So one of the ways that you can do to prevent colon cancer is to apply a good diet.
Dietary patterns to prevent colon cancer

Food that enters your body is one of the things that can affect your risk of having colon cancer. Thus, applying poor eating habits can increase the risk of colon cancer.
1. Reduce red meat eating habits

For those of you who like consuming red meat, you may have to reduce the amount of meat you consume from now on. Why? Since a large amount of red meat consumption is proven it can increase your risk of colon cancer.

Research shows that the consumption of red meat by 3 ounces per day for men and as much as 2 ounces per day for women can increase the risk of colon cancer by 30-40%. In fact, the consumption of processed meats has a stronger relationship with increased risk of colon cancer.
2. Watch the meat Cooking

The way of cooking meat can be the cause of why red meat is associated with colon cancer. Cooking (such as frying, baking, or burning) meat at high temperatures – even until scorched meat – can lead to interactions between muscle creatinine and amino acids. Consequently, a number of carcinogenic compounds (cancer-causing compounds) are formed.
3. Choose low-fat meat

Fats from red meat or processed meats can also support the development of colon cancer. High fat intake can cause large amounts of bile acids to be released into the digestive tract to help break down fat. Bile acids are then converted into bile acids secondary when entering into the colon. And, it can increase tumor growth in the colon.

Therefore, it is recommended that you reduce the amount of consumption of red meat and processed meats. You can change the source of your protein by consuming chicken, fish, tofu, tempe, or nuts.
4. Consume vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits contain high fiber which is good for gastrointestinal health and helps prevent colon cancer. A theory explains that high fiber foods may decrease the risk of colon cancer by reducing the length of time food is in the colon, dissolving ingredients that exist in the colon, and stimulating the fermentation of anaerobic bacteria to increase Short-chain fatty acid production.

Many antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits can also help you in preventing cancer. Antioxidants work by protecting cells from free radical damage.

Nutritional content in vegetables and fruits, such as folic acid and B vitamins, can also be proven to protect you from cancer. Folic acid and vitamin B that are widely contained in green vegetables are associated with a decrease in the risk of colon cancer, if consumed in high quantities (from natural sources instead of supplements).

Vegetables and fruits also contain anticancer compounds, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, terpenes, Thioethers, and glucosinolates. A study suggests that drinking green tea (containing polyphenols) can regularly decrease the risk of colon cancer by 40%.

In addition to green tea drinks, spices such as turmeric, green vegetables, garlic, onions, and citrus fruits like oranges, can also benefit in preventing colon cancer.

Vitamin A, a hope for patients with colon cancer

Vitamin A has been known for its benefits for eye health and maintaining endurance. However, not only that, recent research suggests that vitamin A can also fight colon cancer. A study conducted at Stanford University showed that retinoic acid, a body-generated compound of vitamin A can resist colon cancer in rats and humans.
Sources and benefits of vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that can resist the inflammation and damage of cells caused by free radicals. This Vitamin has many benefits such as enhancing the body's defense system, slowing down the process of cell aging, maintaining vision health, bone growth, maintaining skin health, and maintaining nerve cell function.

The most excellent source of vitamin A is from food. There are two forms of vitamin A that can be found in food. First, retinoids, a compound that can be found in animal products such as red meat, liver, milk, cheese, and butter. Secondly, carotenoids, compounds that can be found in vegetables and fruits such as carrots, papaya, mango, jackfruit, citrus, and green vegetables.
The role of vitamin A in preventing cancer

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