10 Signs of Smart People that Are Rarely Known

Often you underestimate yourself, arguing that you are far from being intelligent. In fact, you may have signs of intelligent people but you don't realize it. This is due to the many signs of intelligent people who are still rarely known by most people. Check out the signs of a smart person you might have in you below.

1. Accept the fact that you don't know much
Surely not a few of you feel that pretending to know everything can make you look smart. In fact, it is precisely by accepting the fact that you don't know more than anyone else that it becomes a sign of a true intelligent person. That is, you know that there will always be things you can learn.
A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows that when working on the same test, people who feel they will get good grades get scores far below their estimates. While people who feel they will not get good grades for the exam, get a much better value.

So, never be afraid to admit when you don't know something, because then you will get new knowledge to learn.

2. Keep feeling curious
If you realize that you don't know much is a sign of a smart person, then the desire to continue learning is another sign. These two interrelated things are the main characteristics of smart people, because when you realize you don't know something, you will be curious about it, then try to find out about it.

Intelligent people tend to have curiosity that continues to exist every day. In fact, the curiosity that can be felt comes from small things that are happening around, to the curiosity of things that are philosophical in nature such as understanding the purpose and meaning of life and the existence of the universe.

3. Can guess what other people want to say
Understanding what others will say is a sign that you are emotionally intelligent. Empathy about what others feel means that you not only see the world from your own perspective, but also from other people's perspectives.

Being able to understand other people's feelings is a sign of intelligent people because then you tend to be more open with opportunities to meet new people and gain new experiences. Both of these have a positive effect on the intelligence you have.

4. Have good self control
Intelligent people tend to have good self-control so they can avoid the possibility of making hasty decisions. A study conducted by psychologists from Yale and various other universities published in Psychological Science shows that good self-control is closely related to intelligence.

In the study, participants were given an intelligence test and were given two choices; get paid faster, or get paid longer with bigger money. People who choose to be paid longer with more money tend to have higher test scores than others.

Therefore, if you prefer to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of all the choices you have compared to deciding everything in a hurry, then you have a sign of intelligent people.

5. Open minded
That is, you don't just stick to one point of view when faced with a situation, but you tend to see it from various points of view first before determining your personal judgment on the situation.

You are open to the thoughts that others have when discussing, including new ideas and concepts that you didn't know before. By being open to these things, you can always get new lessons from discussing with others.

That does not mean you are not opinionated, but the judgment you have is even stronger and stronger because you have already considered it from various angles, so that your thoughts are not easily manipulated by others.

6. Like to postpone work
The sign of intelligent people who are often unaware is the habit of delaying work. Even though you often feel like a fool if you put off work, this just shows the opposite.

If you postpone work does not mean you will be careless in doing it, but you tend to be more focused on the work you do. You like to delay your work, because you choose to spend your time doing more meaningful and delaying work that is not so important to you.

If you can still show maximum results even if you do it in a short time, it's proof that you can use your time efficiently so that your time will not be used up just to do one thing.

7. Cannot work in noisy conditions
If you prefer to work quiet or no sound at all, it is a sign that you are a smart person. Why is that?

You might think that the sign of a smart person is someone who can still focus on doing something even though it is noisy. But it is different from the results of Northwestern University's research in 2015.

This research shows that people who cannot do things when there are many voices around them, have a tendency to give creative ideas and innovations and new breakthroughs to a problem that is confronted with them. This is a sign that you are a creative genius.

Therefore, don't feel that being unable to concentrate properly in a noisy situation is a problem. That inability might be a sign that you are a smart person.

8. Can connect various topics
If you are a smart person, you can connect a topic to another topic that might be for others that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed. This happens because you can see patterns faster than others.

As a smart person, you are open to a variety of perspectives and thoughts, can connect unrelated topics into a concept in your head. This might make you judged a little strange by others, but that is a sign that you have creative and extraordinary thoughts.

9. Not afraid of yourself
If alone does not make you feel bored or abandoned by others, that is a sign that you are lucky. When you don't feel worried if you have to do everything yourself, it shows that you have a sign of a smart person.

According to the British Journal of Psychology, people who feel enough with themselves tend to be intelligent people. What's more, people who like to talk on their own are also a sign of a genius. Even though you often look like an insane person, repeating aloud to yourself can make those words embedded in your brain.

10. Love to eat chocolate
Chocolate can have a good impact on brain intelligence. Flavanols, compounds found in chocolate, can improve the cognitive abilities you have. Chocolate can improve brain function in remembering, paying attention or concentrating, and the speed of processing information.

If you are a person who likes to eat chocolate, be proud, because from these habits your cognitive abilities can increase.


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