37 Super Fast High Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

WHAT is cholesterol?

The word cholesterol is considered a scourge and should be avoided. Cholesterol complex compounds produced by the body in the liver, and the rest from outside the body as in food substances that are useful for the body. Cholesterol has 2 (two) types, namely:
• LDL (low density lipoprotein) which is called bad cholesterol which is harmful to the body and should be avoided,
• HDL: high density lipoprotein which prevents bad cholesterol from settling and does not harm the body.
Bad cholesterol is the cause of atherosclerosis, which is calcification and hardening of the blood vessel walls. Hardening of blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries will become narrow and block the flow of blood flowing in it. This will increase the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Cholesterol function
But cholesterol is also needed by humans to build cell walls and make hormones. Cholesterol is also an important component for making bile acids, steroid hormones and vitamin D.

Normal Cholesterol
Normal cholesterol is <200 mg / dl for total cholesterol, <100 mg / dl for bad cholesterol (LDL, the type that can clog arteries) and levels> 50 mg / dl for good levels (HDL-type that helps clear fat from the blood) .
Foods to Increase HDL
Patients should keep HDL high, because it is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

1. Oatmeal. 
Oatmeal contains high fiber which can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body. High fiber is also found in kidney beans, bananas, apples, pears and prunes. This fiber will reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream so that there is no buildup.

2. Yogurt. 
These foods are fat-free, and rich in protein, calcium, microorganisms (Lactoballius sp) which help reduce high cholesterol.

3. Chocolate. 
Chocolate is a food for snacks, and contains antioxidants and flavonoids which are useful for lowering cholesterol. Chocolate will also release body stress or tension.

4. Foods that are verified / enriched with Sterol and Stanol. 
Foods fortified with sterols or stanols (substances in plants that help resist absorption of cholesterol) include margarine, orange juice, or yogurt.

5. Legumes. 
Eat more nuts and reduce potatoes. Carbohydrates in potatoes will increase blood sugar levels. While beans will have a lot of fiber and slightly increase sugar levels.

6. Regular Sports (jogging, healthy walking, cycling, and others). 
Regular physical activity every day can help reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL. Exercise will also reduce the chance of arterial blockage.

High Cholesterol-Lowering Foods
In addition, we choose 12 (twelve) foods and vegetables that have the following benefits for reducing bad cholesterol (LDL). Are as follows.

1. Red Rice. 
Brown rice contains Vitamin B, selenium, magnesium and phytonutrients. Brown rice can be used to reduce blood fat levels. High fiber content in brown rice will also help reduce blood sugar.

2. Wheat.
Wheat is a nutritious cereal as a cholesterol-lowering agent, blood triglycerides, and regulating blood sugar levels. Cholesterol levels in the blood can be reduced by consuming wheat. Wheat can be found in bread made from wheat.

3. Spinach. 
This forage contains lutein which is useful for eye health. In addition, spinach also functions as a protector of heart health and protect the heart from fat in blood vessels. Spinach is a vegetable that lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Spinach can be cooked as soup, or made juice. It is recommended to eat a bowl of spinach soup or a glass of juice every day, in addition to cholesterol, spinach is also a powerful high blood-lowering food.

4. Celery
Contains high antioxidants and is known as a plant that can reduce the risk of heart disease, and to prevent LDL oxidation. Celery can be eaten in the form of soup, or stir-fry, or it can be in the form of juice.

5. Beans. 
Beans are low-fat vegetables (containing polyunsaturated fats) and are a source of carbohydrates needed by diabetics or insulin resistance. About one glass of bean juice every day will help reduce LDL, triglycerides and bad cholesterol.

6. Soybeans. 
Soybeans and other preparations such as tofu, tempeh, soy flour, nutella, nuggets, and soy milk are effective cholesterol-lowering foods. Soybeans contain isoflavin which serves to suppress bad cholesterol (LDL) so it does not develop. Food made from soybeans should not be cooked with ordinary oil, replace with olive oil.

7. Garlic. 
Garlic has a positive effect on heart health and lowers high cholesterol. Consumption of garlic can be through a mixture in salads or herbs in the food menu.

8. Legumes. 
Nuts such as cashews, almonds, walnuts, or vegetables (for example, long bean vegetables) contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are good for blood vessels and reduce cholesterol. Long beans will contain lots of fiber which slows down the rate and amount of cholesterol absorption in food. Types of nuts (such as cashew nuts, walnut nuts, hazelnut beans) are rich in Vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals that are useful for heart health. Be careful not to eat beans that have been given salt and sugar. Regular consumption of beans will reduce cholesterol levels.

9. Hazelnut beans. 
Often combined as the contents of chocolate, the taste is distinctive and savory. Hazelnut has monosaturated fat which is effective for lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of coronary heart artery blockage disease.

10. Sunflower Seeds.
 Including cholesterol-lowering foods because they contain sterols which will reduce high cholesterol levels. In daily life snack foods are made in the form of "kwaci".

11. Omega Fish 3. 
Fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel, sardines, tuna, trout, mackerel, and salmon will reduce bad cholesterol. Omega 3 is good for heart health and reduces the risk of blood clots and the risk of sudden death from a heart attack. Another source of Omega-3 is canola oil.

12. Salmon.
Salmon will reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, also contain EPA and DHA that are good for heart health. So that cholesterol is not increased avoid cooking with oil, use an oven or combustion to reduce oil use. Salmon has omega-3 to lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). Salmon can be consumed in the form of around 2 servings in a week.

In addition to food choices, fruits also have an important role to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). These are 12 (twelve) fruits that have the use of lowering cholesterol in the body. Consumption of fruit, especially those containing Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene is very necessary for dietary cholesterol. The fruit in question is all types of berries (Strawberry, Cranberry), oranges, mangoes, grapes, guava, pomegranates, guava, and apples.

High Cholesterol-Lowering Fruit
These are 12 (twelve) fruits that have the property of lowering high cholesterol in the body.

1. Lime. 
Oranges contain flavonoids, which are compounds that can inhibit LDL production. Flavonoids are also found in tea, broccoli, tomatoes, layered onions and pomegranates.

2. Guava / red guava. 
Guava is rich in lycopene which plays a role in controlling cholesterol production. Other fruits that function together are red watermelon, red tomatoes, and red guava.

3. Pomegranate.
Pomegranate contains substances to lower blood cholesterol, and remove plaque in the bloodstream. Pomegranates increase the production of nitric oxide which helps reduce plaque in blood vessels.

4. Mango.
Mangga has a lot of Vitamin C that can prevent bad cholesterol oxidized which makes the occurrence of plaque (accumulation) cholesterol in the body.

5. Blueberry fruit.
The types of fruits included in the berry category contain pterostilbene which has antioxidant functions in the body.

6. Grapes. 
This wine has flavonoids which are useful for reducing cholesterol, preventing blood clots and counteracting damage caused by the entry of free radicals. This fruit contains a lot of fiber and has catechin substances that can reduce cholesterol

7. Avocados.
Avocados are a source of monounsaturated fats, a type of fat that helps increase cholesterol levels (HDL) and lowers levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Avocados contain beta-sitosterol, a type of vegetable fat that reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Avocados can be made for juice because in addition there are many good fats such as oleic acid, unsaturated fats, and fruit fibers that will increase good cholesterol.

8. Olive fruit. 
The content of anti-oxidants (hydroxytyrosol) can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood but does not reduce the level of good cholesterol in the body (HDL). This fruit will have a positive effect on heart health because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E which will raise good cholesterol levels. We can consume at least a mixture of 2 (two) spoons of olive oil and olives mixed with salads to increase good cholesterol in the body.

 9. Lemon Orange.
 Lemon contains a lot of Vitamin C and has compounds to reduce the production of apo-B, a type of substance that triggers increased cholesterol in the blood. There are also antioxidants that contribute to reducing LDL oxidants.

10. Tomatoes. 
Tomatoes are a source of lycopene which will reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). Tomatoes can be eaten fresh, made juice, or eaten in the form of soup. Tomatoes are also a food for chronic ulcer patients who are very helpful.

11. Strawberry Fruit. 
Having antioxidants that can fend off bad fats (LDL) and prevent oxidation that harms the body. Found in many mountainous gardens. More often used as juice or eaten directly.

12. Apple. 
Apples have beta-glucan substances which play a role in controlling cholesterol production. Other fruits that have the same function that can be eaten with the skin like apples and pears. A source of soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol causes hardened arteries and protects the body against heart attacks and strokes. Apples can be made with apple vinegar. Apple vinegar can improve insulin sensitivity of type 2 diabetics. Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar will show a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in good cholesterol (HDL). Apples are a super effective food for diabetics.

Alternative cholesterol-lowering juice or drink from the following ingredients.

In addition to the list of fruits above, cholestetol can also be lowered with choices as an alternative cholesterol-lowering juice or drink from the following ingredients.

1. Coriander Seeds.
Coriander seeds can reduce cholesterol levels in the body. How, as much as
2 (two) tablespoons of coriander seeds are cooked with water, then the water is drunk. For health, drink 2 times a day morning and night.

 2. Cinnamon. 
Cinnamon has the function of reducing blood sugar, triglycerides, excess bad cholesterol in type 2 diabetics. A small bundle of cinnamon is boiled in a pot of water for up to 20 minutes. Pour in a glass and drink it every day. Can also be combined with green tea and black tea. Consumption of one teaspoon of cinnamon can reduce choleterol and blood sugar in type 2 diabetes sufferers.
3. Black tea.
Black tea will prevent cancer cells and reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood. Tea contains antioxidants that can provide a sense of calm, and prevent blood clots in blood vessels. In addition there are green tea which contains a lot of theanine, catechin polyphenols which have the effect of increasing good cholesterol and preventing bad cholesterol. Enough with 4 (four) cups of tea taken throughout the day will reduce cholesterol in the body.

4. Broccoli Juice. 
These vegetables can reduce cholesterol. Broccoli fiber will bind bile acids in the digestive tract and bladder. Can be eaten raw as a salad, soup, or sauteed mushrooms. Can be steamed to eat ripe, or can be made juice.

5. Juice Sanapis (Lime-Pineapple). 
Efficacious to reduce cholesterol and help heart health. These three fruits are blended together and ready to be taken twice a day every morning and evening.

6. Ginger Rhizome. 
Ginger is beneficial to warm, comfort the body, and maintain heart health. Ginger also functions to promote blood circulation, reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of stroke. More ginger rhizomes are served for drinks. Can be a daily drink.

7. Olive Oil / Olive Oil. 
Olive oil contains a mixture of antioxidants that can suppress bad cholesterol without interfering with good cholesterol (HDL). Olive oil contains low-density lipoprotein which is useful for lowering cholesterol. The most perfect (original) Olive Oil usually contains extra virgin in the bottle. It is recommended to consume 2 (two) spoons of olive oil, which can be eaten directly or combined in the form of a menu of food.

All these ingredients are easily available and available in the environment around us. For better health, it never hurts to try.

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