Positive benefits of a cold shower in the morning

Bathing with warm water is fun and feels comfortable. When warm water touches the skin in the morning, then the touch makes you feel relaxed. Will be different if you use cold water. Cold water can make you shiver. But whatever your reaction, apparently cold water has many benefits that are good for health. Well, here are the benefits of a cold shower in the morning for health that you should know.

Energy Every Day

When skin comes into contact with cold water, the body responds by taking deep breaths so that oxygen intake increases. This makes the heartbeat increase and pump blood quickly throughout the body. This process produces energy throughout the day.
The level of alertness also increases due to cold temperatures. The impact of the brain produces the hormone norepinephrine, a type of adrenaline that can help the mind to be alert. So do not be surprised if you wake up in the morning and take a shower with cold water can create enthusiasm. Especially if on that day there is an important test or meeting with clients.

Maintain Healthy Skin and Hair

Bathing in cold water can tighten so that dirt does not easily enter and settle. Morning bath is also a useful detoxification process to remove toxins in the body and skin. The cardondioxide is available in the morning to keep the skin moist and fresh.
Medium, cold water is also beneficial for hair. Your crown becomes more radiant, healthier and stronger. If you have the habit of shampooing using a conditioner, cold water will not reduce the moisture content in the conditioner.

Boosts the Immune System

A recent study in the UK revealed that regular cold showers can increase white blood cells. This will be good for health because it can fight the germs. Cold shower has been proven to be effective in increasing metabolism and enhancing the immune system.

Increasing Testoteton and Fertility Hormones

A recent study has known the fact that a cold shower can increase testosterone levels. In addition, a cold shower can also increase fertility, because a cold shower is considered capable of making abundant sperm.

Lose weight

Maybe you're curious, how can cold water lose weight? Here's the explanation. In the human body there are two fats, namely white fat and brown fat. White fat comes from calories that accumulate. Medium brown fat is a good substance that is used to produce heat to keep the body warm. This type of fat is burned when the body is exposed to cold temperatures.

Someone in the year 2009 had successfully lost weight by 5 kg because of routine cold shower in the morning for a year.

Far from Rheumatism

For anyone who really avoids rheumatism, can use cold shower therapy in the morning. This is because a cold shower has a high carbon dioxide content and is useful for fighting rheumatism.

Those are the points of the benefits of a cold shower in the morning that is good for health. Don't be fooled by the touch of cold water that makes it uncomfortable, but look again at the benefits behind use. If you routinely perform this ritual in the morning, of course your body will be in shape and ready to go through all day activities. Have a good activity!

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