Is color blindness the hereditary disease?

Some people may experience a health disorder that causes the eye not to see color normally. This condition is referred to as color blindness. Colorblind sufferers may not be able to see the colorful flowers in the garden or the green of the trees. Actually, how can this disease happen? Is color blindness a hereditary disease?

What is color blindness?

Color blindness is a condition where your vision is not able to see the color naturally. This condition is sometimes called a color deficiency. About 250 million people in the world have this disorder.

People with color blindness are not able to distinguish certain colors. Usually, colors that are difficult to distinguish by colour blindness are green, red, and sometimes blue.

This condition will sometimes not cause meaningful health problems. Most sufferer will be accustomed to the situation as time goes by.

However, in some people, colour blindness can affect daily activities. For example, color blindness sufferers will struggle to distinguish food colors, medicines, or traffic signs.

Color blindness also causes the sufferer to have a limited career option. Some jobs such as pilots, soldiers, and police officers require that the cancer is free from color-blind diseases.

Is color blindness a hereditary disease?

Most cases of color blindness found are genetic conditions. That means color blindness sufferers get the condition through family ancestry.

The disease is more widely found in men. However, in some cases, women also have the opportunity to experience this condition.

Color blindness is a hereditary disease usually inherited from parents. Generally, the disease is derived from mother to her son.

This is because women are usually carriers of genetic abnormalities. Women who carry genetic disorders will not necessarily suffer from color blind diseases. However, it is possible that he will bear a baby with the condition.

Furthermore, men who suffer from color blindness have a small chance of lowering the disease to their children. Except, he has a female partner who is a bearer of color blindness genetic disorders.

However, it does not cover the possibility of color blindness occurring due to some specific diseases (acquired). Some health conditions that could potentially cause color blindness are diabetes, glaucoma, and multiple sclerosis.

How does color blindness become hereditary diseases?

Color-blind diseases are lowered on the 23rd chromosome. These chromosomes also play a role in determining gender.

Chromosomes are structures containing genes. The genes are tasked to instruct the formation of cells, tissues, and organs in the body.

The 23rd chromosome consists of two parts. The female chromosome has two X chromosomes, while the male chromosome consists of the X and Y chromosomes.

The abnormalities of genes that cause color blindness are only found on the X chromosome. This means, males suffering from color blindness have gene abnormalities only on its X chromosome.

While a woman will experience color blindness when there are abnormalities in both of the X chromosome.

Women who have only color blind genes are one of the X chromosomes referred to as color blind gene carriers, but she does not experience color blindness.

If a child is born is a boy, it is possible that he may experience color blindness because the mother lowers color-blind gene chromosome. However, it could also be that the boy is not color blind when the derived X chromosome is a normal chromosome.

Whereas if the baby is a female gender, color blindness can only attack the girl if Mom and Dad both experience color blindness. The Alias, which was handed down to the daughter is the two color-blind chromoson of the father and mother.

However, if the father is not color blind, the girl will only get a color-blind gene X chromosome from the mother. This means that the girl will only be a bearer of color blindness genes.


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