15 Ways to lose weight naturally fast

Having an ideal weight is everyone's dream, even many people who are willing to spend a lot of money for it. Having a body that is not ideal or overweight need not worry because there are many ways to lose weight naturally that are easy, simple, without having to feel stressed and drain the bag. The key is to apply it consistently and with commitment.

Well, in order to have an ideal body weight without having to go through medical avenues such as going to the doctor, liposuction, taking slimming pills, you can try how to lose weight naturally. There are 3 ways to lose weight naturally.
How to lose weight naturally with diet

How to lose weight is identical to the word diet. Yes, indeed to lose weight we must go through the process of dieting. But the diet here is not merely a matter of extreme diets that do not eat at all just so that weight loss quickly falls. Diets with drastic changes in diet, especially not eating, are at risk of developing health problems as well. Despite trying hard, an unhealthy diet also does not make significant changes. Apply a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain ideal body weight stability in the long term.

1. Determine the Target
Set realistic targets before the diet and during the diet. Don't be too obsessed with losing weight fast. 1 kilogram a week is enough. Also set small targets such as, not eating fried foods, not eating fast food, and others.

2. Optimistic thinking
In addition to setting targets, of course you must control your mind to manage the body. Set positive and optimistic thoughts that you will be thin. Do not imagine dieting foods during the diet.

3. Actively moving
You are among those who are lazy to move or mager. You better not. With you lazy to move, of course there is no energy released from the body. To actively move, it's very easy.
For example by foot. Instead of using motorized vehicles everywhere, start walking everywhere. Don't just sit quietly in front of the computer. Start doing things that seem trivial like parking the car far from the destination so you have to walk first, not using an elevator or escalator.

4. Drink plenty of mineral water
Mineral water is important for the body. Mineral water helps the body's metabolism, improves kidney performance, removes toxins that enter the body, makes the skin look soft and bright, and helps improve brain performance.
In addition to these benefits, mineral water can reduce weight. Before eating, drink one glass of mineral water, so the portion of food will be reduced.

5. Consumption of foods rich in fiber
Foods that contain lots of fiber are legumes, avocados, bananas, papaya, broccoli, cabbage, pears, corn, and brown rice.
Benefits of fiber-rich foods include:
1. Help the detoxification process in the body
2. Helps to lose weight
3. Lowering high cholesterol
4. Cleanse the digestive tract
5. Protect the body from colon disease
6. Avoid fat deposits in blood vessels
7. Controlling blood sugar
8. Slows glucose absorption

6. Increase the frequency of meals, reduce portions of food
Many people think that reducing the frequency of eating heavy meals in a day will help reduce weight. In fact, this assumption is wrong. People with large meals even though only once added a new problem. Simply by reducing your portions, such as eating 3 tablespoons of rice and side dishes, but still at the same frequency or more often. So keep eating 3 times a day but with small portions.

7. Avoid eating more than 6 pm
Breakfast certainly requires more portions as our energy intake for the whole day, as well as lunch. Lunch must be less than breakfast. Similarly, dinner. Because the activity is finished, you don't need to eat heavy food anymore. Rice can be replaced with an apple. Or if you really want to eat dinner, do not immediately fall asleep after eating.

8. Avoid snacks with high sugar content
Avoid consuming foods with high sugar content. Read the nutrition table on each snack package that you will eat or drink.
Consuming foods that contain excess sugar has many risks such as diabetes, high cholesterol, addiction to want to eat sweet, obesity, cavities and other diseases. Also avoid soft drinks because soft drinks contain very high sugar.

9. Drink lime juice in the morning
Lime has many positive health benefits. By drinking lime juice with a glass of warm water during your diet, it can help you lose weight faster.
Lime which is rich in vitamin C will work to absorb calcium in fat cells, so that weight loss.
A natural and healthy diet is not too strict and torturous, but still requires a high commitment so that weight can go down regularly and have long-term effects.

How to lose weight naturally by exercising

For those of you who are anti with the word sport, don't be in a hurry to give up yet. Do not have to merely do heavy sports. To lose a lot of weight how come exercises that are not too draining.
Both men and women exercise is one of the proven ways to lose weight naturally quickly and practically.

10. Cardio
Cardio is one type of exercise that involves almost all members of the body such as running, cycling, swimming, and others. By doing cardio, the muscles in our body work starting from the calf muscles, thigh muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, arms and shoulders.

11. Yoga
Yoga is a sport that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing. Research in India proves yoga is very helpful in removing excess gas in the stomach, so that digestion and eliminate fat in the stomach.
Train and harmonize the body and mind so that it is more relaxed will spur the body to release hormones that can help the process of burning fat effectively Start practicing yoga for 10-20 minutes every day so that the body can carry out the metabolic system to its full potential.

12. Sit-ups and push-ups
Other easy things to do are sit-ups and push-ups. But of course you have to do it regularly to get maximum results. Do 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups. Increase the intensity of exercise every day. This will help you lose weight in a short time. Doing sit-ups and push-ups in the morning, can be useful to control appetite because it can cause the effect of being full.
How to lose weight naturally the traditional way

If you don't have enough time to exercise or are too tired after hanging out, you can try ways to lose weight naturally using traditional ingredients that have proven to be effective.
Indonesia is a country that is rich in various herbal plants that have been used for generations by the community. Herbal plants are now also widely available in ready-to-use packaging and are also used in the drug industry.
There is no harm in trying to lose weight naturally and traditionally. Besides being safer and without side effects, of course, friendly in the bag.

13. Green Tea
The first natural and traditional way to lose weight is to drink green tea regularly. Green tea is famous for its many benefits. Green tea has long been believed to be an effective way to lose weight.
1. To get the maximum benefit, drink green tea regularly before you eat.
2. Also make sure you drink it without sugar
3. By drinking it before eating, it will automatically make your stomach feel fuller when eating, and of course reduce your portion of food.
Green Tea can facilitate the body's metabolism, including fat metabolism, so it will help eliminate fat in the body. In addition, green tea is rich in anti-oxidants which are useful for preventing cancer and reducing levels of bad LDL cholesterol in the body

14. Lime Tea
Not only have to use green tea, you can also use ordinary tea mixed with lime juice. How:
1. Prepare a tea bag or 3 teaspoons
2. 1 lime fruit
3. A glass of hot water
4. Brew the tea and mix the lime juice into it.
5. Eat regularly.

15. Honey and Ginger
Honey is known to have many properties to prevent and treat several diseases. Honey can also be used as a natural way to lose weight. Honey contains substances that will burn body fat indirectly, namely fructose. As for ginger, it naturally suppresses appetite, so you can reduce your food intake easily because you feel less hungry.
How to make it is quite easy:
1. 3 tablespoons of honey
2. 2 tablespoons ginger juice
3. Mix both in a glass and brewed with hot water.
4. Drink 2 times a day.

That's how to lose weight naturally and healthy. There are indeed those who offer ways to lose weight instantly. But it would be better if you first try to lose weight naturally so that nothing unexpected happens later. Hopefully there are benefits.

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