A Glass of Water Cures All Your Diseases

Prayer or prayer is one of the most effective medical therapies in curing a disease ... yes, not only with the sophistication of medical devices that can make us always healthy and healthy but also because of the help of God the creator

In fact, a recent study by doctors with the title "According to research conducted at the University of Michigan, depression and stress are observed in people who are religiously low-level . 

And, according to findings at Rush University in Chicago, the rate of premature death among people who worship and pray regularly is around 25% lower than those who do not have religious beliefs.

Another study of 750 people, approved by cardiocardiography, scientifically proved "the healing power of prayer."

It has been recognized that the death rate among heart disease patients who pray decreases by 30% in the one year after surgery they undergo.

And of course there is still plenty of concrete evidence about the magic of prayer as the most cost-effective, safe, inexpensive health therapy tool that can be scientifically proven results, ONE of the interesting stories about how a patient in one of the hospitals in Magelang in struggling to cure his illness, he not only prayed from himself so that he would cure the acute illness in his suffering but also by inviting orphans in the patient's room so when they come to visit and pray at the same time recovery, and miraculously 6 hours after the orphans returned home their health condition gradually recovered and the next day the patient was allowed to go home by the doctor considering the condition of his body primed. 

It turns out it can be learned here that we never know from which mouth prayers which are accepted by Allah SWT, and the better if more and more pray for healing we may be one of the orphans had sincere and sincere hearts in praying for the patient so that his prayer was heard by Allah SWT

In Japan Dr. Masaru Emoto from Yokohama University, who has been diligently conducting research on the behavior of water, conducting tests on water that is routinely prayed for turns to make an enchanting clear crystals after being seen with a high-speed camera whose molecules appear to form crystals, as well as if before in drinking, the water we first say positive words like "Arigato (thank you in Japanese)" in front of the water bottle earlier. The crystal reformed beautifully. Then try by confronting the Japanese letters that read "Arigato". These crystals form with the same beauty.
Then the experiment is repeated again and the words "Satan." Or dirty talk in front of a glass of drinking water, the crystal changes in bad form. Played the Symphony Mozart music, crystals appear in the shape of flowers. When the heavy-metal music was played, the crystal is ruined.

And what can be concluded is really shocking ,,,, it turns out the water is able to hear what is said by those who pray for the water yes ... ,, let's make it a habit before drinking water, don't drink directly right away, it's better to pray and say bismillah ,, God willing, the water will form crystals that are very healthy to drink and can cure your illness

And Prayer should not only be done to eliminate disease, or other worldly difficulties. Our people must always pray to God and accept whatever comes from Him. The fact that some of the benefits of prayer revealed in many verses of the Qur'an are now being acknowledged scientifically, once again reveals the miracles of the Qur'an.

And if my servants ask you about me, then (answer), that I am near. I grant the prayers of those who pray when he asks me, then they should fulfill (all my commandments) and they should believe in me, so that they are always in the truth.


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