Turns Stress Weight Make Up, What reason?

As is well known, the stress does not only affect mental health but also your physical state. Some of you may be familiar with the effect that makes the appetite is reduced, so that would make your weight decreases. However, some people even experience weight rise due to stress, how could I?

How stress can make weight gain

Indeed, the effects of stress on each person may vary. There is loss of appetite until finally missed meals, there is also even make the food as an escape from the stress and sadness.
Please note, the weight rises as a result of stress is also influenced by hormonal factors.
When you're stressed, your body will release three types of hormones, cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. Adrenaline and norephinephrine working together will increase awareness of the body in response to something that makes you depressed.
The effects of these hormones only briefly before returning to normal and replaced with the advent of the hormone cortisol.
Actually, cortisol itself has a variety of uses for the body. Cortisol maintain energy supplies by stimulating metabolism uses fats and carbohydrates. In addition, cortisol is also useful in maintaining fluid balance and blood sugar levels and suppresses the function of organs that are not used.
In other words, cortisol helps the body to be more effective when faced with a threatening situation. This process will also produce the effect of increased appetite.
Unfortunately, if the stress can not be controlled, the hormone cortisol, which is still present in the body will increase. This causes your appetite rose during stress which of course can lead to weight gain.
Because the hormone cortisol using fats and carbohydrates to run the metabolism rate, you will also be likely to want sweet or fatty foods.

Stress can slow the body's metabolism in women

This fact was discovered in a study conducted by Ohio State University in 2015.
In that study, the participants were all women were asked about stressors things before being fed foods high in fat and calories. After that, researchers will calculate the body's metabolic rate and monitor your blood sugar, insulin, triglycerides, and cortisol.
As a result, participants who had stressors burn far fewer calories as compared to participants who were fine. They also had higher levels of insulin which will also have an impact on the accumulation of fat in the body and result in the abdomen to become distended.

How to overcome the weight gain due to stress

One thing that is often recommended if you do not want to experience weight gain is set with good stress management. However, if the hormone cortisol had already taken over your body, here are some things you can do.

Choose foods with good fats

The hormone cortisol can work perfectly when no supply of fat. To outsmart, better consumption of foods that contain good fats such as salad with avocado or olive oil. However, remember to choose one type of good sources of fat in each food that is not excessive.

Controlling portions

Resisting the urge to eat is sometimes difficult, but still must be done so as not to cause weight gain after the escape from stress. If this is still considered burdensome, multiply servings of foods containing high fiber and water and low in calories such as vegetables.


Keeping the body keeps moving is the key that will avoid you from excess weight problem. In addition to burning fat, exercise can also help relieve stress by encouraging the release of endorphins that make the body more relaxed and happy. Not necessarily with vigorous exercise, you can walk for 30 minutes three hours after eating.

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