Egg Diet, Alternative Ways to Lose Weight

Not only as a source of protein, eggs can also be food choice for you who are losing weight. Then, m engapa consumed eggs for people who want to reduce the number of scales? Here's his review.

Egg diet to lose weight

According to a study from the International Journal of Obesity , breakfast with eggs can help you lose weight.
However, the privilege of eggs is only obtained when you combine it with a healthy lifestyle, not only from eating eggs.
Here are the factors that make eating eggs can help you lose weight:

1. High in nutrients but low in calories

One of the reasons why the eggs useful for people who want to lose weight because these foods are rich in nutrients but remain low in calories.
That is, the supply of nutrients you can still be met without making the body fat because of too much calorie intake.
The reason, one key to losing weight is to reduce daily caloric intake. Ideally, you need to narrow it down to 500 calories per day in order to reduce weight of 0.5-1 kg per week. 
A serving of boiled eggs usually contain 78 calories. For those of you who like eggs, breakfast is 2 to 4 servings of boiled eggs can make the body full longer.
You do not have to worry about nutritional deficiencies because eggs contain a variety of nutrients that are good for the body such as:
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that are good for the eyes. 
  • Vitamin D so that bone and increased immune system function. 
  • Choline to increase metabolism and good for fetal brain development
Nevertheless, the egg could supply excess calories if cooked with oil or butter. Therefore, choose how to cook the least contribute calories to the body if you want to lose weight.

2. Rich in protein glut 

Eggs suitable for inclusion as mandatory food when you lose weight because it makes a person full sooner.
This is evidenced in the study of Nutrition Journal. Research shows that high-protein diet allows a person to control their appetite. In that study, 34 women who regularly eat breakfast and lunch the subject of research. The women were asked to breakfast with high protein foods, such as egg whites, sausage, potatoes, and cheese. Later, they will be compared with the group who ate a low-protein foods, such as mini pancakes, butter, and syrup.  

As a result, women who ate a high-protein diet to feel full longer compared to those low protein breakfast and no breakfast at all. 
By making someone full longer, daily caloric intake will also automatically reduced.

3. Helps to increase metabolism

Diet with eggs not only keep you full longer, but also help increase metabolism.
In a study published in Nutrition & Metabolism, m etabolisme which will expedite the burning of calories. This makes a person's weight more quickly reduced.
Generally, protein foods will increase the body's metabolic levels by 15-30 percent. 
Therefore, consume eggs as a high-protein diet helps the body to burn calories. 

How many egg consumption when on a diet?

Many of you may ask, exactly how many eggs should be consumed to lose weight.
The answer is you can consume on a regular basis. That means you can eat more than one egg every time eating heavy meals.
For example, when a person's diet would normally consume eggs three eggs in a day or so. Moreover, when you only eat eggs as a staple food.
As a result, the eggs can lose weight in the short term because of the calories contained in eggs tend to be low, ie 78 calories.
However, consumption of eggs every day can also cause side effects on health, such as:
  • Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • pimple
  • Allergy
  • Hormones are not balanced
In addition, instead of weight loss, eating eggs alone without the support of other types of food can make you satisfied.
As a result, you may feel less satisfied and increase the share of meal to satisfy your stomach. Therefore, the egg diet to lose weight should be supported by other healthy foods so stamina is maintained.

Tips process the eggs to lose weight

Lose weight with the help of the eggs are easy to do. This is because the price is affordable and includes an easy eggs processed into various types of cuisine.
Typically, most people eat eggs at breakfast because it can reduce the number of calories for the rest of the day.
You can process the eggs in various ways, such as:
  • Scrambled eggs
  • steamed egg
  • Omelet
You can also combine the eggs with vegetables are high in fiber to meet the daily nutritional needs.

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