Personal Health Record

In the past, diabetes was the most common disease in the elderly. However, due to the widespread spread of bad lifestyles, currently the disease is commonly suffered by young people. According to WHO data, there were 422 million adults who had diabetes in 2014.

Still from the same data, diabetes caused 1.5 million people to die in 2012. It is also known that of the total mortality rate, as many as 43% of diabetics die before they are even 70 years old. That means diabetes claimed a total of 3.7 million young people of childbearing age from all over the world.

Quiet. Longevity for people with diabetes is not a dream in broad daylight. You can still live healthy and have a long life, as long as you know what to do. Check out more in this article

Various ways for the age of diabetics to age.

Come on, start to apply the six principles of healthy living below if you want to have a long life and enjoy old age with your best health.

1. Take diabetes medication regularly
Diabetics are usually given blood sugar control drugs. The most commonly given diabetes drug is metformin. In severe cases, insulin injections are the last resort for controlling blood sugar levels. Always obey the doctor's orders and use your diabetes medication according to the recommended usage.

If you do not obey the doctor's orders to always take medication regularly or do not use insulin as prescribed, as a result your blood sugar levels can be increasingly out of control. This will pose a risk of complications of diabetes, which makes your chances of living longer life longer shrink.

2. Applying the right diet
    -The right type, you must be smart to choose the food that you consume. Because, from food, your blood sugar can jump suddenly. From now on, avoid all kinds of sweet foods, such as candy, cakes, and foods or drinks that contain sugar. Choose complex carbohydrates that are usually present in staple foods. But, also choose staple foods that contain lots of fiber, for example brown rice or whole wheat bread. If necessary, replace your sugar consumption with a healthier, low-calorie sweetener.
   - Right amount. It's not enough just to set the type, but you have to know the right amount or portion so you don't make your blood sugar level rise. Usually this is adjusted to your daily calorie needs. For details, you can consult a nutritionist to help make a daily diet menu.
   - Right on schedule. You must have a certain time schedule to eat every day, so that your body can adapt and process food properly.

3. Must choose the appropriate footwear
One risk of complications that are often experienced by diabetics is injury or ulcers. This is because the nervous system in the legs of diabetics is no longer good. So, many of them are numb and don't feel any sensation in the legs. So, they are easily injured in the leg.

In addition, wounds caused by diabetes are generally difficult to heal. Especially if sugar levels are out of control. Therefore, the most appropriate thing to prevent injuries to the feet is to use appropriate footwear. For example, when doing activities outside the home, choose footwear that has thick soles and closed instepes. Be careful when you want a reflexology on a stone path. Also avoid shoes that are too narrow.

4. Exercise effectively reduces blood sugar levels
Exercise has become everyone's needs, as well as highly nutritious foods. In this case, exercise is also one of the mainstays of diabetics to prevent complications. Regular exercise can help sufferers control their blood sugar levels.

Sugar substances that enter the body, will be used by muscles as the main energy. Happens, does not accumulate in blood vessels and getting away from diabetes complications. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. You can start from the easy ones first, like walking casually around the house. But, remember to wear appropriate footwear.

5. Maintain oral hygiene
Oral infections also often occur in diabetics. Therefore, you must brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day. Do not forget to also use dental floss (floss) to clean the remnants of food that is still attached to the teeth that are not affordable when you brush. Maintaining oral hygiene unwittingly can extend the life of diabetics.

6. Increase consumption of antioxidants
So that the longevity of diabetics can be achieved, consume foods that contain high antioxidants. Antioxidants have been scientifically proven to slow the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Examples of foods that contain high antioxidants are, spinach, broccoli, oranges, strawberries, beets, and grapes.


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