Benefits of Pineapple to Prevent the Development of Cancer

Pineapple that you know as a fruit, it turns out for centuries has been used as traditional medicine by native peoples of Central and South America. One of the benefits, which is consumed to prevent cancer. However, whether the benefits of pineapple to prevent cancer is proven? Come on, find out the truth in the following review.

Pineapple, a fruit rich in healthy nutrients

Pineapple or known by the Latin name Ananas comosus is a fruit that is very easily cultivated in Indonesia.
This fruit can be consumed directly, processed into jam, fruit ice, or added to some dishes.

According to Indonesian Food Composition Data, pineapple is rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and is supplemented with vitamins A, B, and C.

All these nutrients are needed by the body to fight inflammation, maintain blood pressure stability, nourish the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system.

Not only that, pineapple is also thought to be able to provide properties to prevent the development of cancer.

Benefits of pineapple for cancer

Cancer indicates an abnormal development of body cells. This disease can attack various tissues in the body, starting from the skin, brain, and even bones.

People who have this condition need to get proper treatment immediately, before cancer cells spread and cause death.

One way to reduce the risk of cancer is to eat foods that can keep body cells healthy.

Well, pineapple into a row of foods that have the potential to reduce the risk of cancer.

To prove it, many studies have looked at bromelain compounds in pineapple on cancer cells, for example studies published in the journal Oncology Target Therapy.

For more details, let's discuss one by one the results of studies on the benefits of pineapple for cancer, such as:
1. Inhibiting the growth of cancer cells
Cancer cells do not work like other normal cells. These cells can divide without control and do not die, do not develop into adult cells, and avoid immune cells.

Eventually, cells will continue to grow and spread to other tissues through the blood or lymphatic system.

Well, the benefits of bromelain in pineapple found by studies, which can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

Proliferation is the phase of the cell undergoing a repetitive cycle so that it prevents cells from multiplying.
2. Weakening of cancer cells
The benefits of bromelain in pineapple for other cancers are disrupting the survival of cancer cells by weakening MUC1.

MUC1 is a protein that protects cell surfaces from pathogens (germs) reaching to cells.

If there are too many MUC1, this condition is often associated with colon, breast, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancer.

The presence of bromelain has the potential to weaken excessive MUC1, so that it can prevent cancer cells from developing into tumors and metastasize.
3. Triggering cells to die
Each cell has a mechanism program, which divides, becomes mature and has a certain function, is damaged and dies so that the body does not need it.

After that, these dead cells will be replaced by new healthy cells. However, in cancer cells, cells do not want to die and uncontrolled development.

Well, studies show that bromelain can trigger cells to baptise, ie die according to the program.

That means, indirectly the bromelain content in pineapple provides benefits to prevent the development of cancer cells.

Although research has found the potential for pineapple in cancer cells, need further research on the content of active substances in pineapple that is related to cancer.

The reason is that research is still animal-based so it doesn't necessarily have the exact same effect on humans.

However, this research could pave the way for scientists about the potential for bromelain in pineapple to be used as a cancer treatment in the future.

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