9 Types of Foods That Potentially Prevent Breast Cancer

It should be underlined that in fact there is no one type of food that specifically can prevent breast cancer.

However, maintaining a diet basically helps to increase endurance and maintain a healthy body thereby reducing the risk of disease.
1. Gnarled Vegetables

The tuberous vegetables referred to here are the cruciferous family, such as cauliflower, green mustard (caisim), broccoli, and green cabbage.

These vegetables are rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, and K, and high in glucosinolate. Glucosinolate is a chemical compound that is thought to be able to fight cancer.

Summarizing many sources, glucosinolate helps protect cells from DNA damage and causes cancer cell death by inhibiting the formation of tumor blood vessels and tumor cell migration that triggers metastasis.
2. Dark green leafy vegetables

Green color in vegetables usually indicates a high content of antioxidants and fiber. Both of these ingredients become ammunition to help prevent cancer from appearing in the body. The darker the color of the leaves, the denser the nutrients in it.

Antioxidants in particular help fight the effects of free radicals in the body that can damage healthy cells and trigger cancer.

The dark green leafy foods that have the potential to prevent cancer include:

  •     Spinach
  •     Broccoli
  •     Asparagus
  •     Radish
  •     Green cabbage

3. Foods that contain carotenoids

Caretonoid is an orange, yellow, or red coloring agent in fruits and vegetables.

Foods that contain carotenoids are a good prevention of breast cancer because they contain vitamin A, lutein, beta carotene, and lycopene. All of these ingredients are strongly suspected of being able to fight cancer-causing free radicals.

The following eat foods that contain carotenoids, namely:
  •     Carrot
  •     Tomato
  •     Cabbage
  •     Apricot
  •     Sweet potato
There are several studies that show that a diet high in carotenoids can reduce the risk of breast cancer. More evidence is still needed from extensive research to confirm this assumption. However, it certainly doesn't hurt to include this food in your daily menu.
4. Foods that contain apigenin

Apigenin is a type of antioxidant flavonoid in certain fruits, vegetables and herbs that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

According to a 2010 study in the journal HHS Public Access, apigenin can inhibit the growth of HER2 breast cancer cells. However, more research is needed that proves these conclusions to be used as a reference.

Apigenin is a compound that is in various foods such as:

  •     Celery
  •     Chamomile tea
  •     Spinach
  •     Basil
  •     Coriander

5. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are classified as prevention of breast cancer whose function is to increase the immune system.

Omega 3 fatty acids are nutritional content found in:

  •     Salmon
  •     Sardine
  •     Cod liver oil
  •     Walnuts
  •     Nut oil

Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in healthy sources of fats such as avocados and olive oil.

A 2015 study found interesting facts about the effect of omega 3 on obese women who have dense breasts. Solid breasted women are reported to be six times more likely to get cancer than those with less dense breast tissue.

The study showed that breast density decreases with consumption of omega 3 fatty acids. By decreasing breast tissue density, the risk of breast cancer is considered to decrease. But again, further research is needed to prove its effectiveness.
6. Foods that contain lignans and saponins

Lignans and saponins are polyphenols which most likely have anticancer properties. This is because polyphenols, including antioxidant compounds that can fight free radicals in the body. Lignans and saponins are compounds found in:

  •     Red beans
  •     Peas
  •     Jackfruit

7. Whole grains

Whole grains, including one of the breast cancer prevention foods that may not be widely known. These foods do not go through many processes so that the nutrients in them tend to be whole and not eroded. Whole grains contain complex carbohydrates, phytochemicals, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic page, researchers in China found the fact that high fiber intake can change the work of hormones in breast cancer. This makes the risk of breast cancer can be reduced from the previous one.

As for foods that are included in whole grains, namely:

  •     Brown rice
  •     Black rice
  •     Wheat
  •     Corn
  •     Sorghum

8. Soybean

Soybean is a source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium, and isoflavones. Reporting from the Stanford Health Care page, these various ingredients have effects for breast cancer. Soy is able to bind estrogen and can reduce the risk of cancer associated with hormones such as the breast and prostate.

But indeed not a little information that states that soy can actually trigger breast cancer. But take it easy because actually this has not been proven scientifically.

9. Berries

Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and black raspberries contain high amounts of polyphenols. As mentioned earlier, polyphenols include antioxidant compounds that can fight free radicals and as anticancer. Therefore, berries can be one of the foods that fall into the category of preventing breast cancer for you to consume every day.

Grow the habit of eating healthy foods from now on

One key to preventing breast cancer is to consume a variety of foods that are nutritionally balanced. Not just from being full. You need to more carefully sort and choose food intake that enters the body.

Stay away from sources of bad fats such as saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats are usually found in red meat, coconut milk, milk products, butter, and used cooking oil. While trans fat is fat that is usually found in fried foods such as biscuits and packaged foods.

In addition, eat less processed foods because the nutrients tend to be very minimal. Also limit consumption of sugar because sugar can trigger inflammation in the body. Sugar is thought to make tumors and breast cancer cells tend to spread or metastasize.

This finding is based on facts discovered by research conducted in 2016 on mice. In studies, mice that ate sugar-rich foods tended to develop mammary gland tumors similar to breast cancer in humans.

Do not forget to also eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day so that the nutrients they get will also vary. Avoid cooking vegetables too ripe so that the nutrients in them are not all lost.


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