
7 Ways to Overcome Allergy symptoms are recurrent

Allergies occur because your immune system mistaking the substance which is basically harmless as a threat to the body.  These harmful substances called allergens.  In most people, exposure to allergens through inhalation, consumption, or skin contact will not cause a negative impact.  However, in people who are very sensitive, exposure to allergens can trigger the body to release antibodies that produce a negative reaction.  So, how to deal with allergies in order not to be fatal? How to cope with and treat the symptoms of allergies Allergy symptoms are generally mild, such as skin itching, watery eyes, or sneezing.  However, in certain cases, allergic reactions can turn into a life-threatening anaphylactic shock. If you or others experience an allergic reaction, follow the way below to treat the symptoms to subside: 1. Immediately avoid allergens Shortly after the allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately identify and avoid the source of the trigger.  Allergens g

5 Healthy Living Tips for Seniors Still On Working

Having a healthy body is the desire of all people of all ages. Moreover for the elderly who are still actively working, of course, still want to get fit despite a lot of busyness. Healthy body is affected by several factors such as diet, exercise, and habits of everyday life. Then how about a healthy lifestyle for the elderly in order to keep running? Tips on healthy living for elderly people who are still productive 1. Get enough sleep To keep the  health and fitness of elderly  sidelines of the job, you need to get a good night's rest. At least a good night's sleep is 7 to 8 hours a day. If you are disturbed sleep, avoid drinking caffeine (eg, from coffee and tea) in the afternoon or evening. You could also try a warm bath before bed to relax the body. If these methods do not work, consult a doctor. 2. A healthy diet Choose  nutritious foodsitu  to meet nutritional needs and avoid the disease. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits, food sources of

How to Set Target Sports To Start a Healthy Life

If you are ready to turn back on, it is time to set goals and make your exercise plan. Remember to start slowly if you have not exercising;  You do not want to "startle" or hurting yourself if you directly exercising at a high intensity. Set a target The following should you consider when setting targets: What activities would you do and for how long?  Make it specific. How often are you going to do this? Is your goal realistic?  Do not try to change some of the conditions at once. Here is an example of a target which includes three points above: Four days a week I would be brisk walking for 10 minutes at lunch time (since I did not take long for lunch, the remaining time can be used for walking). Keyword "I'll brisk walking for 10 minutes" and "four days of the week" is a specific target, compared with empty promises, such as "I will start a healthy life". Write your targets Writing targets can help.  Paste your n

Ways and Benefits of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know that by living a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, exercising, not smoking and drinking alcohol, it turned out great benefits? Not only mentally and physically healthy are obtained, but there are other small changes that you can get from the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. It was initially difficult to do. However, why not? Because, if you're willing to sacrifice for better health, the impact could be much amazingly profitable. What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to be had? The benefits of a healthy lifestyle you can get 1. Can maintain ideal weight How healthy lifestyle first you can do is to eat a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Both can help you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight figures. According to the Mayo Clinic, an active physically very well to achieve a healthy weight lifting and ideal.   Calculate and limit intake of foods that are harmful to the body. Avoid eating too much salty foods, sugary

Benefits of Noni Fruit

Noni is a green fruit that is found in Australia, India, and Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia. Noni contains a variety of substances, one of which is potassium, which is a mineral that can help maintain endurance Besides being used to treat some of the conditions above, noni is also often used as a moisturizer and disguise aging by applying it to the skin. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of noni treatment still requires further research. Noni Benefits for Health Based on the results of the initial research, consuming 6-8 grams of noni every day is said to help increase energy and relieve pain in patients with advanced cancer. Even so, noni has not been proven effective for changing or reducing tumor size. Noni also has a number of other benefits, including: Increase stamina Drinking fruit juice containing noni mixture is believed to increase the body's stamina for activities. Reducing postoperative nausea Although unable to stop the symptom

Benefits of Celery Plants

1. As an Anti-Inflammatory Celery plants contain polysaccharides and antioxidants. Both of these substances are very beneficial for anti-inflammation caused by damage to body elements. Inflammation is very damaging to the body because it can cause dangerous diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. 2. Lowering cholesterol levels Do you want to reduce cholesterol levels in the body? Eat celery regularly every day. Celery contains a unique element called 3-n-butylphthalide (BuPh) which is useful as a fat-lowering and controlling cardiovascular health. Taking supplements of celery ingredients can reduce lipoprotein cholesterol, the amount of cholesterol and triglyceride concentrates in the body. 3. Prevent Hypertension High blood pressure is one of the causes of coronary heart disease. For those of you who want to treat or prevent high blood pressure, consume celery regularly. Celery seed extract has been shown to have anti-hypert

3 Important Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables for Children

Adequate fiber intake from an early age is one important factor to support the child's growth and development process. Well, getting high-fiber foods for babies or children is actually not difficult. You can start giving fruits and vegetables to your baby or child if he is able to eat soft food or hold solid food. What are the benefits? Benefits of eating vegetables and fruit for babies and children Various kinds of nutrients in fruits and vegetables are needed for the growth and development of infants and children until they grow up. 1. Maintain healthy digestion of children The digestive system plays an important role in the body of a child or baby. With a healthy digestive system, nutrients will be optimally absorbed to support its growth and development. To maintain the health of the child's digestive system, mothers need to provide high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruit. Mothers can also help meet the baby's daily fiber intake by giving high-fiber