Ways and Benefits of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know that by living a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, exercising, not smoking and drinking alcohol, it turned out great benefits? Not only mentally and physically healthy are obtained, but there are other small changes that you can get from the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
It was initially difficult to do. However, why not? Because, if you're willing to sacrifice for better health, the impact could be much amazingly profitable. What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to be had?
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle you can get
1. Can maintain ideal weight
How healthy lifestyle first you can do is to eat a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Both can help you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight figures. According to the Mayo Clinic, an active physically very well to achieve a healthy weight lifting and ideal.  
Calculate and limit intake of foods that are harmful to the body. Avoid eating too much salty foods, sugary, and fatty foods can make the body become problematic. Consumption of vegetables, fruits and other fibrous foods.
In addition, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health and boost the immune system and energy.
At the very least, in a week you can do physical activity as a way of healthy lifestyles by walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling around the complex. No need to do heavy exercise first. Routine physical activity light but could also be part of a healthy lifestyle that you do.
2. Can maintain and raise the mood
According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise and eat a healthy diet is a way of a healthy lifestyle that is beneficial to your mood or the mood. This is because physical activity can stimulate the release of endorphins production.
Endorphins are the brain chemicals that make you feel happy and relaxed. How healthy lifestyle such as healthy diet and exercise can make the mind also feel positive. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle by doing a short-term exercise can also lower the risk of stress and improved cognitive brain function.
Then, how a healthy lifestyle you can do is not just about healthy diet and exercise alone. Social activities such as volunteering, joining a club charity, or attend the exciting movie discussions or activities together with friends can also help improve mood and mental health.
Such activity can keep the mind active and the hormone serotonin in the brain remain balanced. To get the benefits of a healthy lifestyle helps you multiply to spend time with family or friends on a regular basis and do fun activities lainn
3. Prevent diseases come
Perform a variety of ways a healthy lifestyle can help prevent certain health conditions. Examples such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Many people want to get the benefits of a healthy life to avoid the disease. Healthy lifestyle can help keep cholesterol and blood pressure in a safe number. Where is also a sign that you helped maintain and avoidance of chronic diseases.
Regular physical activity and proper diet can prevent many health problems, including:

  • ·         metabolic syndrome
  • ·         diabetes
  • ·         depression
  • ·         certain types of cancer
  • ·         arthritis
Make sure also that you have regular physical examinations. Later, your doctor will check your weight, heart rate, and blood pressure, as well as taking urine and blood samples.
By doing routine health checks like this, your health can be monitored well. It is important to follow the action with your doctor and listen to the advanced treatment to improve your health.
4. The increasing stamina and energy
Did you know that eating too much  junk food , soft drinks, and eat the food packaging, it all can make the body so easily tired?
Yes, these foods should not be consumed instead. It's OK, but within certain limits, these foods can harm the body.
Weak, easily tired, and you are so easily hungry when eating too much of these foods. For that, try the way of a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthy diet follows :.
·         Eating foods made from whole grains
·         Consumption of lean meat
·         Choose low-fat dairy products
·         Expand eat fruits
·         Do not forget the consumption of vegetables
Still, do not forget to do regular physical exercise to increase muscle strength and improve endurance. Eating a healthy diet and regular physical activity can also help deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissue, especially the heart.
In addition to increasing energy by promoting better sleep, faster and be more soundly
How to start the way a healthy lifestyle?
Then, is there a way to create a way of healthy lifestyle becomes a habit? Here are some ways to live a healthy life that might apply.
1. Start with small things
Makes a great healthy resolution is not wrong. Only healthy resolution that is too large will only motivate you in the beginning when you create it. In fact, the resolution is too big can make you disappointed when you can not make it happen in a short time.
Therefore, if you want to become more healthy, make healthy resolutions simple and easy to do first. For example, if you want to lose weight, start from changing your eating habits become more healthy and start exercising regularly.
2. Focus on impact
During this time, the only health messages focused on the core information without telling you the good effects caused by such behavior. As a result, many people know that the behavior of health behaviors including without knowing the impact on both the time of the health behavior, so that their behavior did not last long. In fact, change the message or health behavior by focusing on the impact of these changes is very effective in changing behavior.
The study found that changing the message " hand hygiene  to prevent the patient from disease" to "Hand hygiene prevents you from getting sick" causes an increase in the practice of hand washing by 10 percent and the use of soap by 45 percent.
3. Do not rush
If you want to have healthy habits, so be patient! Due to change unhealthy habits become more healthy takes time. According to a study, dtemukan that changing habits takes time-at least up to two months or more. So you do not need to be discouraged when change does not happen in a short time.
And, when you're tempted to go back to the habit yet, do not despair! You do not fail because this is part of the process. Try to forgive and get back on your goals.
4. Do not fight alone
Perhaps you are among those who shy to reveal your healthy resolutions for fear of being taken for granted by those who hear it. However, if you really want to change your living habits to more healthy, you have to tell others that you have a friend who can support and warns you if you begin to give up.
5. Repetition
One way to be consistent healthy lifestyle is by repetition that lifestyle changes can be a habit.
6. Give a gift to yourself
Things often you forget is to reward yourself when you succeed in making progress in achieving a healthy reolusi you, no matter how small it is. Remuneration of any kind can be given in the form of going to the movies, buy your favorite foods, and so on.
Although it is difficult to change health behavior, but you can do it! And when you start up, you just have to re-think about the impact on both if you make these changes to your health.
One thing that you should remember is: change does not happen overnight, and therefore you should focus on your goal to achieve a healthy resolution.
A healthy lifestyle is not supported loved ones? No problem!

Everyone desire to live healthy and away from diseases. That's why many people are trying to change bad habits during this time in order to become healthier.
However, the change is not always easy to do - especially if you are surrounded by people who are always negative thinking . How to deal with the mouths nosy  from friends and family who do not support your healthy lifestyle?  
1. Hear me what they said
Sometimes, the chatter is not pleasant to hear comments that actually have good intentions. They probably just do not know how to deliver it.
For example it this way, you're trying to eat rice. Your parents probably just worried that you eat less.
Did principle Indonesian people who say that "Not satisfied, if not eat rice"? Or when you  keukeuh  for regular morning run  before work. Maybe your mother's father protest simply because they believe you are exhausted when I got in the office. 
Or, for example, when you're eating less red meat, then your friends protest because they think you are a vegetarian.
Maybe they're just curious about what you eat if you do not eat meat. They may also hesitate to invite you hanging out eating steak at a new restaurant near my office if you suddenly turn into a vegetarian . 
They are the closest people in your life. Therefore, first listen to what they say. In the end, you alone can tell which comments sloping who really want to drop you and which ones are actually hiding the pure sincerity.
2. Explain what you mean by calm
Chances are, your family or friends you do not support your healthy lifestyle because they do not understand what you are doing, what your goals are, and how these changes can make you happier.
So, explain calmly about your new lifestyle. Pointed out that sugar and fat-free diet you are doing today is not just style gayaan follow trends, but rather to help you avoid the risk of diabetes in the family derivatives.
Alternatively, regular exercise you do is not just to build muscle , but also helps relieve chronic pain you feel for this. Explain that even though you are eating less rice or meat, it does not mean you will starve because no other replacement foods are more healthy and filling. 
By helping them understand what you are doing and why, sooner or later they too can support your healthy lifestyle changes.
3. Involve them in your new lifestyle
So that they are able to explore what you are doing, it does not hurt to get them involved even if only briefly. For example, invite your partner or friends to exercise together at the weekend, or invite parents to join the tasting menu of food that you normally eat.
There is nothing wrong also to invite them to try your diet occasionally. Let us know also what are the benefits behind it. Who knows, they are also tempted to commit move the bow to a healthier lifestyle again.
4. Make adjustments here and there
Then suddenly there was a family plan at the weekend, try to budge and heartened to change your boxing class schedule at a later time. Next, ask them renegotiate to find a diet meal together if you are not inviolable.
5. Accept what can not be changed
Natural to feel sad and disappointed if you're listening, explaining and trying to get them involved, but they do not go your understanding. However, do not waste energy and your mind to sink into the negative things.
Do not upset angry rebuke especially when there are family members who criticize your diet. Just smile and turn the conversation into something that both of you enjoy. Do not let your healthy lifestyle even make your family relationships become strained.


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