Benefits of Noni Fruit

Noni is a green fruit that is found in Australia, India, and Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia. Noni contains a variety of substances, one of which is potassium, which is a mineral that can help maintain endurance

Besides being used to treat some of the conditions above, noni is also often used as a moisturizer and disguise aging by applying it to the skin. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of noni treatment still requires further research.

Noni Benefits for Health

Based on the results of the initial research, consuming 6-8 grams of noni every day is said to help increase energy and relieve pain in patients with advanced cancer. Even so, noni has not been proven effective for changing or reducing tumor size.

Noni also has a number of other benefits, including:

  • Increase staminaDrinking fruit juice containing noni mixture is believed to increase the body's stamina for activities.
  • Reducing postoperative nauseaAlthough unable to stop the symptoms of vomiting directly, noni can reduce post-operative nausea.
  • Reduces high blood pressureDrinking four ounces of Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) every day for a month can help reduce blood pressure.
  • Relieve osteoarthritisDrinking three ounces of Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) every day for 1.5 months can help relieve pain in patients with osteoarthritis.
Although some research results show that noni has various benefits as mentioned above, but that does not mean it can replace the treatment given by a doctor. Make sure you continue to undergo medical treatment as directed by your doctor, and consult with your doctor before using noni.

Things to Look For Before Consuming Noni
Like fruit in general, noni is relatively safe for consumption as a food or supplement. However, that does not mean free from side effects, especially those that have been processed into extracts and mixed with other medicinal substances.

In order to avoid dangerous side effects, you should be careful before taking herbal medicines, including noni, especially if you:

1.Pregnant and nursing mothers
Since ancient times, noni is believed to be bad for the fetus. Avoid this fruit if you are pregnant. Although there is no research to prove it, it's better to avoid consuming noni if ​​you are breastfeeding.

2.Have high potassium levels
Noni consumption can increase potassium levels in the body Potassium that is too high in the body can cause fatigue, nausea, difficulty breathing, kidney disorders, and the most severe is paralysis and heart problems.

3.Have kidney disease
Potassium content in noni is feared to worsen the condition of someone who has a disorder. If you have kidney disease, you should not consume noni fruit.

4.Having a disorder in the liver
Medicines and supplements contain chemicals that are processed by the liver. Therefore, taking drugs with noni content routinely out of necessity, can cause interference with the liver. If you already have liver disease, you should avoid taking drugs and supplements, including noni, before consulting a doctor.

Be careful when you want to consume something, including natural ingredients, such as noni fruit. Learn first if you want to do traditional treatment with fruits or herbal medicines. And most importantly, always consult a doctor before entering any substance into the body.


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