7 Ways to Overcome Allergy symptoms are recurrent

Allergies occur because your immune system mistaking the substance which is basically harmless as a threat to the body. These harmful substances called allergens. In most people, exposure to allergens through inhalation, consumption, or skin contact will not cause a negative impact. However, in people who are very sensitive, exposure to allergens can trigger the body to release antibodies that produce a negative reaction. So, how to deal with allergies in order not to be fatal?

How to cope with and treat the symptoms of allergies

Allergy symptoms are generally mild, such as skin itching, watery eyes, or sneezing. However, in certain cases, allergic reactions can turn into a life-threatening anaphylactic shock.
If you or others experience an allergic reaction, follow the way below to treat the symptoms to subside:

1. Immediately avoid allergens

Shortly after the allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately identify and avoid the source of the trigger. Allergens generally is around you,  can be a food, dust pollution, animal dander, up to certain drugs. 
If you are a food allergy triggers, immediately stop eating. Meanwhile, if your allergies triggered by dust or animal fur, immediately moved to another room that was not "tainted".
During this time,  you also have to be calm. Panic or anxiety it actually can aggravate your allergic reactions. 

2. Take medications

Direct drink allergy medication once symptoms first appear to quickly treat your condition. Drug allergies can generally be used as the first way to overcome the common allergy symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and swollen lips.
The following medicines can be bought at the nearest pharmacy:
  • Antihistamines block histamine receptors work that out so that your body does not react to allergens. 
  • Steroid drugs will generally be prescribed pharmacists to treat symptoms of allergic swelling, redness, and itching of the skin. There steroids were taken, there is also a form of ointments and creams to smeared onto the skin.
  • Decongestant can be taken if the allergy symptoms that occur causing so runny nose and congestion. Treating allergy symptoms decongestant drug use should not be too long, a maximum of 72 hours after the allergy. 

3. Rub the cream allergy

Bump and itching due to allergies should not be carded. This habit  can cause  blisters  and symptoms getting worse.
As a way to overcome and treat the symptoms of allergies, you may be used to dry off and change clothes. Use a long-sleeved cotton clothes soft as a way to treat itching due to allergies. Avoid wearing tight clothing because it can make the symptoms of allergy, such as itching and shortness of breath, getting worse.
To relieve the itching, you can try one of two ways:
  • Applying a topical corticosteroid creams.  Corticosteroids contain steroids that reduce inflammation and itching. 
  • Apply calamine lotion. Calamine lotion can soothe inflamed skin that is warm due to hives.

4. Soak warm water mixed with colloidal oatmeal

You can also overcome the itching due to allergies with warm water bath and mixed with colloidal oatmeal. It is a finely ground oatmeal into a powder.
Treat itching to soak colloidal oatmeal can soothe inflamed skin due to allergies.
Make sure you use a mixture of water was really warm. Because, if you use hot water, it can irritate and make your skin that are exposed to allergy symptoms so dry. 

5. KOMPRES is 

You can also overcome the itching or swelling due to allergic symptoms by means of rubbing ice.
Fill a plastic bag with a few chunks of ice. Balut plastic cloth thin washcloth and paste it directly on the body that itch or swelling. Compresses  for 10 to 15 minutes.
This method may be used repeatedly until the symptoms subside, but given the distance between the compressing per 15 minute session.

6.  Use a saline spray to relieve nasal congestion

You can use as a nasal spray to treat nasal congestion time as well as relieve allergies. 
Then the  American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology  (AAAAI) recommends you to treat the condition using saline water. Rinse with saline water can remove allergens and air duct cleaning. 
Good preparation of saline water and the spray tool can be purchased at a pharmacy. However, you can also create their own saline spray at home as a way to overcome the sinuses due to allergy:
  • Stir 3 teaspoons of salt (without iodide) and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in the container.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and add to a glass (235 ml) of boiled water.
  • Enter into  the neti pot  can be purchased at pharmacies, and spray into your nose

First aid dealing with anaphylactic shock due to allergies

An allergic reaction is not just itching, sneezing, and swelling only. Severe allergies can also cause anaphylaxis. It is a condition that is fatal, because it can cause death. 
These reactions usually occurred a few minutes after you are exposed to allergens severe and untreated. As a result, the body that are not addressed immediately can cause loss of consciousness, respiratory problems, and heartbeat stopped.
Before knowing how to treat the symptoms of this severe allergy, always know the signs of anaphylaxis should be aware of:
  • Skin reactions such as hives, itching or skin color so pale
  • Trouble breathing until wheezing
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Swelling in the face
  • Nausea 
  • Weak and rapid heartbeat
If you see or are with people who experienced anaphylaxis you are obliged to how to cope with life-threatening allergies to the following steps:
  • Contact the hospital or emergency room immediately
  • Find out if the person has an injection of epinephrine (EpiPen) or not. The sooner treat people who develop anaphylaxis with epinephrine injection, the better for the person's condition.
  • If there is an injection of epinephrine, help them inject or allergy drug injection into the arm
  • Keep people experiencing anaphylaxis remained calm.
  • Help people who have these conditions for lying on his back.
  • Lift the leg about 30 cm and cover with a blanket.
  • Turn the body if they vomit.
  • Make sure they wear loose clothing so they could breathe.
  • Avoid giving medication, drink, or up, especially if they have difficulty breathing.
  • Soon the phone and brought to the hospital if you or someone you know experiencing anaphylaxis, even if the symptoms begin to improve.
If people suffer anaphylaxis is not breathing, coughing, or moving, you may need to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). This is a way to overcome the allergy symptoms of anaphylaxis by pressing the victim's chest 100 times per minute until medics arrived. 


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