5 Healthy Living Tips for Seniors Still On Working

Having a healthy body is the desire of all people of all ages. Moreover for the elderly who are still actively working, of course, still want to get fit despite a lot of busyness. Healthy body is affected by several factors such as diet, exercise, and habits of everyday life. Then how about a healthy lifestyle for the elderly in order to keep running?

Tips on healthy living for elderly people who are still productive

1. Get enough sleep

To keep the  health and fitness of elderly  sidelines of the job, you need to get a good night's rest. At least a good night's sleep is 7 to 8 hours a day.
If you are disturbed sleep, avoid drinking caffeine (eg, from coffee and tea) in the afternoon or evening. You could also try a warm bath before bed to relax the body. If these methods do not work, consult a doctor.

2. A healthy diet

Choose  nutritious foodsitu  to meet nutritional needs and avoid the disease. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits, food sources of protein, vitamin B12, folic acid, zinc, and calcium. Change your saturated fat intake with healthier type of fat, such as unsaturated fats from avocado, olive oil, canola oil, and nuts.
Also Reduce poor eating habits, such as reducing the consumption of sweet foods, energy-dense foods, and soft drinks. Food and beverages will only add to your calorie intake without giving many essential nutrients the body needs. Other bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages should avoid.

3. Drink plenty of water

As people age, the easier it is to not feel thirsty, so that the elderly tend to be more at risk for  dehydration . Therefore, it is important to increase the consumption of water to keep body fluids in order to stay balanced.
Drinking water is also important that the intake of oxygen in the blood, which then flowed to the brain, remain intact. By doing so, the concentration and cognitive function of the brain you will stay awake during your activism.

4. Sports

Make no mistake, the sport is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for seniors who are still productive. Exercise can increase the body's immune system, the metabolic processes occurring in the body, the better, and prevent a wide range of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus,  coronary heart disease, stroke,  hypertension, obesity, and various other disease possibilities that are common to the elderly.
Exercise done in people with advanced age  can also help to maintain fitness, muscles, joints, and tendons strong and reduce the risk of injury.
Sports suitable for the elderly is yoga, walking in the morning, and cycling. If you have not done the sport and want to start doing it back then done slowly and gradually. You can gradually build muscle endurance, muscle strength, balance, and flexibility.
However, if you do have certain health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, you should consult with your doctor what kind of exercise is recommended and safe.

5. Maintain a healthy weight

Weight loss is strongly influenced by diet and physical activity, for that you need to watch both. Seniors do not have to lose weight, but should be more focused to prevent weight gain. This is done to improve the quality of life of the elderly so they can be healthy elderly.


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