See the International Space Station fly over you Monday

December 7, you're as yet in karma. The International Space Station re-visitations of the night sky on Tuesday, December 8 and Thursday, December 10 at 5:00 p.m. for two more six-minute fly overs. The 69 News climate groups says the skies will be quite clear those evenings, as well. 

While you're out review the space station, there's something extraordinary occurring with Jupiter and Saturn. 

Beside the space station, they'll be the most splendid articles in the night sky around dinnertime. 

You'll see them in the southwest sky, and they'll be extremely near one another. 

They keep on drawing nearer and closer every night until December 21, the main day of winter. 

On that evening, the two planets will be so near one another that it'll appear as though one monster planet! 

This is the first occasion when they've been that nearby in 20 years.The next time this happens is in 60 years. 

Thus, search for those brilliant planets in the southwest when you go out. You'll have no issue spotting them. 

After you discover them, pivot so the rear of your head faces them. Presently, you'll be glancing in the northwest sky, which is the place where the space station shows up. 

While the International Space Station may feel out of this world, simply recall: there are space travelers on that space station.

Marty ponders them when he turns upward: "There are at present 7 space travelers on board the Space Station: 4 from the US, 2 from Russia, and 1 from Japan. In their booked individual time they're frequently peering out the windows down at Earth. In this way, recall when you gaze upward there it's probable a space traveler is peering down at you!"


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