Benefits of spinach for health

Spinach is one of the vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals that are quite complete. The content of vitamin owned spinach ranging from vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin K. In addition, the main minerals are owned spinach is magnesium, iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, and sodium. Know how much nutrition in it, whatever  the hell  benefits that can be obtained body spinach?

Benefits of Spinach to Maintain Healthy Body

Spinach is very healthy for the body when consumed regularly in the form of sauteed spinach, spinach salad, and other recipes. Well , more of the following are some of the benefits of spinach that you can get, among other things:

1. Reduce inflammation

The first spinach benefits that can be obtained body because the content  of antioxidants of its high. Thus, the efficacy of spinach leaves can help the body fight free radicals that cause inflammation. In diseases such as  rheumatoid arthritis  or rheumatism, inflammation is a cause of pain in the joints.

2. Keeping the immune system

Thanks to the content of vitamin C, A, folate and magnesium, spinach is believed to boost the immune system.

3. Good for diabetics

For those of you who have diabetes, it looks like you have to get the benefits of spinach. Spinach contains antioxidants known as acid  alpha-lipoic acid , which has been shown to lower glucose levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and prevent oxidative changes, triggered by stress in diabetic patients. In addition, the acid  alpha-lipoic acid  is also useful for reducing the risk of peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes.

4. mencegahan cancer

Some research suggests that green leafy vegetables such as spinach contain chlorophyll. The study also revealed that chlorophyll is effective in blocking the carcinogenic effects. Carcinogenic is a term that describes the nature of the substances or exposure to materials that can cause cancer (carcinogens). Thus, the benefits of spinach can prevent cancer.

5. Preventing anemia

Benefits can prevent anemia spinach because spinach is a source of good iron intake. Spinach also contains oxalates which can inhibit iron absorption when consumed. To work around this, you can take vitamin C to help the absorption of  iron .

6. Maintaining eye health

In addition to carrots, spinach benefits can also nourish the eyes. The content of carotenoid found in spinach, such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, can protect you against age-related vision diseases, such as night blindness and macular degeneration.

7. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Benefits spinach unexpected is the ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because spinach is rich in fiber and minerals that can lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels.
In addition, the efficacy of spinach can be obtained body because of the high potassium content. Therefore, spinach recommended for people who have hypertension or high blood pressure.

8. Prevent Asthma

A study revealed that children who frequently eat spinach showed a lower risk of developing asthma than those who rarely eat spinach. The benefits of spinach can reduce the risk of asthma due to the content of beta-carotene.

9. Healthy bone

Low intake of vitamin K may result in the risk of fracture is higher. In spinach also contains vitamin K, which helps bones absorb calcium so that bones become stronger.
Therefore, consumption of spinach is quite important because it serves as a modifier of bone matrix proteins, increase the absorption of calcium, and can reduce the amount of calcium leaves the body through urine.
The benefits of spinach for bone also able to prevent the occurrence of  osteoporosis  , especially for those who are elderly.

10. Maintain skin health

Benefits spinach this one is definitely favored women because eating spinach may help maintain healthy skin. This is due to the antioxidant content of a high spinach capable of providing protection to the skin from a number of free radicals you're in the neighborhood.

11. To provide neurological benefits

Researchers at the  Department of Neurosurgery and Physiological Science, University of California , USA, stated that the benefits of spinach with a capacity of high anti-oxidant that has been associated with the activity of mitochondria, which are responsible for influencing cognitive function. Some components of this spinach like potassium, folate, and various antioxidants known to provide neurological benefits for people who regularly eat spinach.
Folate reduces the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, so the spinach is a very good idea for people at high risk of cognitive decline or neurological disorders. Potassium is an integral part of brain health as well, and has been associated with increased blood flow to the brain and increase awareness, concentration, and nerve activity.

12. Strengthen muscles

The benefits of spinach as an antioxidant due to factors C0-Q10, which plays an important role in strengthening muscles, especially the heart muscle which continuously pumps blood throughout the body. C0-Q10 can be used to prevent and treat many cardiovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia, heart failure, hypertension, and coronary heart disease.

13. Increase your metabolism

There is a reason why doctors recommend adding spinach in significant ways on your diet. The amount of protein found in spinach is very unusual for any vegetables, and proteins are easily broken down by enzymes into amino acids essential for human beings. Reconstituted mammalian protein helps muscle growth and development.
Benefits of Spinach also also improve our body's ability to heal wounds and give impetus to the whole of our metabolism, encourages all organs functioning at their optimal level them.
Also, a recent study showed that Thilakoid found in spinach can delay hunger and starvation that can help you lose weight.

14. Prevent atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is caused by hardening of the arteries. Pigments called lutein found in spinach has been shown to reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Thanks to the proteins in this vegetable, spinach benefits tend to reduce cholesterol and other fatty deposits in blood vessels.

15. Assist the development of the fetus

Benefits of Spinach further help the development of the growing fetus, especially for the proper development of new nervous system, thanks to folate contained in spinach.
Defects such as cleft lip (cleft) or spina bifida (the formation of a crack or defect in the spinal column and spinal cord) may occur due to folate deficiency.
Vitamin A is contained in spinach is advised to be consumed in higher quantities by pregnant women. Vitamin A is necessary for the development of the fetal lungs and can also be distributed during breastfeeding, so that consumption of spinach should be continued after delivery.
Well , that's some of the benefits of spinach that you can get. Although useful for those of you who are taking blood thinning medications such as warfarin, it looks like you should consult with a doctor before eating spinach, because foods containing vitamin K plays a major role in blood clotting.


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