
Showing posts from December, 2019

3 Impact of Obesity on Bone Health, which is important you know

Obesity can be characterized by a body mass index value greater than 27. In addition to heart and blood vessel disease, the effects of obesity can also spread everywhere. Obesity can also have an impact on bone health conditions, you know. How does obesity affect bone conditions? What are some forms of impact that can occur? This is the explanation. Obesity can reduce bone density Research shows that obesity will reduce bone density and increase the risk for fractures. Basically, bones have the ability to always renew themselves. The trick is to destroy bone tissue that has been damaged with osteoclasts, and build new bone tissue with osteoblasts. If the speed of both runs in balance, your bones will always be solid and strong. However, in obese people, the speed of updating bone tissue is usually not balanced. The speed of building new bone tissue tends to decrease in the obese group. Meanwhile, the process of bone tissue destruction actually increased 3 times faster in the

7 Ways to Avoid Hypertension If There Is High Blood Pressure

Hypertension "talent" derived from the family tree is generally inevitable. A family history of high blood pressure can increase your risk of hypertension by up to four times that of people who are not of hypertension. Even so, that does not mean you can not prevent high blood pressure in the future if you inherit genetic from your parents or grandparents. Talent hypertension is not an absolute thing Genetic factors do play a large role in determining your risk of hypertension. According to the European Heart Journal, the problem of high blood pressure in the family can be inherited with a risk of 30-50% to the next generation, including even twins. However, there are also people with high blood pressure who have never had hypertension in their lives. That means, bequeath the "talent" of hypertension is not automatically you will be destined to have the same disease as your ancestors. Inherited hypertension genes can be active and thrive when also in

3 Benefits of Soybeans to Maintain Heart Health you need to know.

There is no doubt, soybeans store a variety of healthy properties for the body. For the heart, for example, as one of the core organs that must always be maintained health. If you plan to improve the smooth functioning of the heart or find food to support heart health, soybeans can be approved. Let's see the benefits of soybeans for the health of the body's blood pumping organs. Nutrient content in soybeans Before examining more about the benefits of soybeans for heart health, it feels incomplete if you do not know the nutritional content first. Soybean is one of a variety of beans, which is rich in a myriad of good nutrition. This is proven by the presence of 286 calories in every 100 grams of soybeans. Before examining more about the benefits of soybeans for heart health, it feels incomplete if you do not know the nutritional content first. Soybean is one of a variety of beans, which is rich in a myriad of good nutrition. This is proven by the presence of 286

Not Because of Genes, This Causes Obesity in Children

Most people will usually answer "genetic factors" when asked about the causes of obesity in children. It is not wrong indeed, because genetic and family history of being fat also determines the condition of a child's body. However, in fact, genetics is not the only factor triggering obesity. So, besides being genetic, why do most obese children have obese parents too? Is obesity in children inherited from parents? Genetic alias can be said as a risk factor that is quite closely related to the incidence of obesity in children. A child who has a family history of obesity, has a much higher risk for obesity compared to children of parents whose weight is ideal. On this basis, there is a widespread assumption in society that when one or both partners are obese, they will definitely give birth to obese children as well. This is as if the price is dead and cannot be handled anymore, for reasons of heredity is the cause of obesity in children. In fact, genetics is

Really Salt Cause Hypertension ?

Salt which is also known as sodium chloride is a compound composed of 40% sodium and 60% chloride. Both are electrolytes which play an important role in health. Electrolytes are atoms with an electric charge present in body fluids. There are many effects in the work of the human body. Sodium, for example, plays a role in muscle contraction, nerve function, and regulates blood volume and pressure. Sodium deficiency due to sweating or loss of fluid can cause muscle cramps. Meanwhile, chloride helps maintain fluid balance in cells so that the volume and blood pressure remain stable. So if these two minerals are actually important, why do many say that salt causes hypertension, aka high blood pressure? The relationship between salt and hypertension About 95 percent of hypertensive people are diagnosed with primary hypertension, which is when the cause of this condition is unknown. While secondary hypertension is hypertension caused by other diseases and can still be cured.